🔥Coming Back Home🔥

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Gazing up at the house I've called home my entire life, felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. But it also felt like a total and utter nightmare. I honestly didn't think I would return. Not after everything. I felt as if I wouldn't be welcomed. But deep down, I knew that wasn't true. I just told myself that to have my own pity party.

I put my dad through hell. Alfred. Lucious. Rachel..... I miss her terribly. She would have known the right words to say at this given moment and would have given me all the courage I needed to step through those doors.

But I felt so.... empty. So.... dead. Like I wasn't me anymore. I'm Bella Wayne. The daughter of the fabulous and rich Bruce Wayne. The playboy of Gotham City.

And where I do love my dad with all my heart, I hated being only known as that. Even working for the Gazette could be a nightmare. Some just thought I got the job for who I was related to. Because of my last name.

But I worked my ass off for what I got. I didn't get a hand out. I went to school. I studied. And I loved it. It was my everything. And working for the Gazette was a dream come true. I got to help people. Even save some people. And it made me feel good. Like I was doing what I was born to do.

But I ruined all that. For a man. A man that stole my heart, warmed it and broke it all at the same time. The Joker. Jack.... my Jack. And now, here I am, finally having been let out of Arkham after some treatment they claimed would help me continue to thrive and flourish outside of those walls. In the real world.

But Jack..... he's just gone. He left me without a word. I knew he'd eventually break out. I could tell he would. He had the smarts for it and knew exactly what he was doing.

But why didn't he take me with him....? It doesn't make sense. Maybe I meant nothing to him. Maybe he just looked at me as a means to get what he wanted because of my name.

But as I finally entered Wayne Manor and looked around the place that always held a special place in my heart, I couldn't help but smile a little.

"I've missed you...." I whispered into the silent air and just felt instantly at home. At peace. So many happy memories flooded my mind of my childhood. And as my eyes scanned over a picture of my mom, her beautiful smile shining brightly, I softly placed a kiss to it.

"Bella?" I nearly jumped out of my skin upon hearing a voice calling my name. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice anyone come walking up behind me. But when I saw the face looking back at me, I couldn't help but freeze. Someone I hadn't seen in a while. Robin.

And he's clearly done well for himself

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And he's clearly done well for himself. It was like being back at high school all over again.  He's always gone by John Blake. But his real first name is Robin. I was about the only one allowed to call him that.

"Robin....? Oh my gosh hi!" I instantly hugged him and just felt light as air. We were the best of friends for so many years. And we stayed in touch out of high school. But our adult lives got in the way and things happened.

We hadn't talked in months. But seeing him again was so nice. I definitely needed this. More than anything.

"You look amazing Bell! I'm glad you're back home." I couldn't help but smile back at him. He just looks so handsome. He's become a detective at the GCPD and I couldn't be happier for him. He's finally able to be happy and do what he wants.

He lost both of his parents at a young age. So when him and I met in middle school, I did everything I could to make him feel like he had a family in me. We would hang out all the time. Just young, dumb kids having the best time of our lives! I miss those easy and simple days. And him and I went in two totally different directions.

"Me too. I missed this place more than I thought I ever could. But, is something wrong? Nothing happened with my dad I hope." His eyes went wide slightly, like he knew something i didn't. And I just wanted to panic. If something happened to my dad while I was locked up in the mad house, I'm going to lose it.

"No no! Ummm.... actually.... your dad asked me for a favor. He wants me to watch over you. And before you flip out..." I looked at Robin for a second and barely registered what he said before I stalked off looking for my dad.

Now I'm going to have a babysitter?? I'm a grown woman who's mental health went out the window for a while. But I'm not insane. I won't axe up a family or something. My goodness.

"Wait! Bell.... he only asked to protect you. To look out for you. He really loves you." I stopped from Robin's words. And I could just feel the tears threatening to pour. I knew he was right. My dad has always done everything he could to protect me. I just hated that he's worried about me so much that he would ask Robin to watch me.

"It'll be okay Bell. You just need time to get back into the swing of things. But you have us." I turned around to look at him and just seeing the smile on his face warmed me. His words rung in my head and I just knew that it would work itself out. I could do this. And eventually, I'll track down Jack. I want answers. And I'll get them.

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