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So, dad decided to take the whole Russian Ballet Company with him on what everyone is calling the "Love Boat". Yeah, i know. So everyone is having a field day with this. Even Sophie laughed.

"Really? All those girls?!" I just sighed, looking down at my desk. Days like these are when I wish my last name wasn't Wayne. I love my dad. Don't get me wrong. But his escapades make me the laughing stock of my job. Like why? I didn't tell him to run off with a whole crew of women and do god knows even what I'm that boat.

"Yes. And don't ask why. Because frankly, i don't want to know." Sophie grinned with humor. It's not that i don't know anything. It's just when it comes to Batman, dad doesn't want me involved with it. To keep me safe is what he always says.

"So Soph, are you still coming to the fundraiser?" Sophie instantly looked at me, her eyes wide, mocking surprise. If she wasn't coming i'd lose it. She has got to be there to keep me company and help me to not go mad.

"Are you kidding? You know i wouldn't miss it!" I grinned at her. Just then, Ed ran into the room, looking panicked. Oh great... That's never a good thing with him.

"Guys! You have to see this, it's something about Batman." My heart instantly stopped. I jumped from my seat and ran out into the lobby, seeing the headline on the tv.

'Batman Dead?'

My heart dropped moving closer to the tv. Please no..... But thankfully, i realized it wasn't dad. I sighed in relief. This is what I always fear happening. The thought tears me apart inside. I continued to listen to Mike Engel as I calmed myself down, still on the edge of panic. What is going on in Gotham lately...?

"Citizens, please beware. This image is disturbing." The screen changed to a man dressed as Batman, tied up on the floor. And the poor guy looked utterly terrified. What is happening?

"Tell them your name" Wait..... that voice. The tone of it. Everything. It sounded so familiar to me. But I couldn't place my finger on it.

"Brian Douglas" The man behind the camera laughed, sending chills down my spine. That laugh is so familiar also.

"Are you the real Batman?" If only I could just reach through the damn tv, reason with this man behind the camera. This poor guy is being held against his will only because he's dressed as Batman.

"No" Please let this madness stop. Why keep doing all these things to innocent people because of Batman?

"No?! Then why do you dress up like him?" He pulled the mask off of his face, dangling it in front of the camera. I'm so nervous at this point I can't stop moving.

"He's a symbol that we don't have to be afraid of scum like you" And that's true. Sadly the 'great' people of Gotham don't get that. My dad stands for justice. He only wants to do the right thing and show this town once and for all that he truly can be trusted. He's not the villain here.

"Yeah you do Bryan, you really do. Yeah. Oh sush sush sush sush sush. So, you think that Batman's made Gotham a better place?" I couldn't stop shaking. This is horrible. An inoccent man being punished for what he believes in. What has this world come to?

"Look at me. Look at me!!!" Sophie and i jumped. Just then, the man behind the camera, turned it towards himself. My eyes widened. The scars, that laugh. Jack. Why....?

"You see, this is how crazy Batman's made Gotham. You want order in Gotham, Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in. Oh and everyday he doesn't, people die. Starting tonight. I'm a man of my word." I instantly fell to the ground upon hearing his laughter, unable to watch any longer.

He has been in front of me all along and did nothing. He never once had any of the make up on. And he talked in a much deeper voice. Why wouldn't he hide himself with me? It's like he wants me to really see him. But he also needs me for something. He's not a man to go after someone and do nothing in the end. But the question remains, what does he want with me? And what does he have planned?

Lovely Scars {A Heath/Joker Story}Where stories live. Discover now