Snow dance

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I'm in the car now laying my head against the window and watch the cars and the building lights. I think about what happened today and what could've happened and i start to get tired of this fear and thoughts of losing Michael. I'm scared of 25th June, i'm scared as hell words cannot describe this huge fear. I don't even know if i will still be here until then, i don't know why i'm here now. Is it a gift from god? Because of how much i wanted to meet him? Is it mercy for all these long nights of me crying? Is it me who has to prevent three children from losing a dad? A crying mom and siblings? Devastated fans who will never get to hug or see their idol perform? All these remain unanswered questions because no one has or maybe ever have the answer to them, maybe screamy has but he could also be like me, trapped here. I guess i just have to stick around and figure everything out by myself. I get out of the car and walk towards the gate numb when Michael's voice stops me.

,,Cindy. Are you alright?" He asks

I turn around and see Wanda standing in front of the car with her hands in her pocket looking down. ,,I get it if you guys are angry and want to get rid of me right now but i just want to say i'm sorry i put you through this. I just wanted to help" she says

,,You don't need to apologize, it's okay. What matters now is that we are alive and safe" he says

,,I'm not mad." I frown while nodding ,,I'm just scared. The look on Carl's face, it was so evil. If the police weren't there, if you, Wanda. If you weren't there, Not only Michael but a lot of people would've died. I'm not mad, thank you" i smile

,,And i, thank you. If you ever need anything no matter what, you're welcome to stay here or call me. I'll let one of my bodyguards give you my number"

,,Thank you. Take care" she smiles

Michael turns around to enter Neverland and before she turns around too she says ,,Hey Michael" he turns to her ,,Don't listen to what they say about you, whether it's in real life or the media. They talk shit about me too, just know it's their story not yours."

Michael gives her a smile and then we both enter Neverland. Well, today we made a traitor our life saving friend. I enter Neverland and go upstairs to get dressed and i throw myself in Michael's bed, i still can't believe he is letting me sleep in his bed while he sleeps un another bedroom. I remember people used to judge him for sharing his bed with children but in reality Michael shares and gives his bed to everyone, it's like it's just a piece of furniture and i agree with that. I look at the clock on the wall and it's already midnight, 12:34 a.m . A knock on the door wakes me up from my thoughts, it's Michael

,,Can i come inside?" He asks

I nod and he sits on side of the bed looking at my hand. I smile confused and then look at my hand, i see the exact red bracelet i had in my world on.

,,I like it, who gave it to you?" He strokes my bracelet

,,I-" i take my hand and look better at the bracelet, why am i just noticing it now? After all this time? I mean the bracelet should mean something since screamy gave it to me in 2020 and all of my other bracelets are gone.

,,You know i keep singing this song in my head for a while and every time i sing it i think of you" his smile is a soft sound that makes his shoulder shake

,,What song?" I laugh

It better not be who is it boy, i made a mistake singing that.

,,Pretty baby, kisses for your loving i, really get it when you're, next to me, yeah yeah" he sings

The song sounds familiar but i don't know what it is. I smile confused and start laughing

,,What? You don't like it?" He asks

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