i'm doctor Conrad Murray

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Wanda's p.o.v

It's been a few days or maybe weeks since Cindy has left, i'm glad she even calls to check on Michael,the kids and me. I thought she wouldn't do that, she still didn't tell me what the whole fight was about that night and i don't actually want to know but if i wanted to, i could have a much bigger fight with Michael since i caught him drunk last week. Ever since we left America after the trial, he hasn't been the same. It could be the stress or it could be something else he doesn't tell me or anyone else, i want to help him like he helped me from the begging but i don't think he wants that help. He wouldn't eat much or at all at dinner and always have fights on the phone with this person called Raymone he would say things like ,,I told you for a week, you have to" or ,,It's your job, you have to pay them" i never ask about it because Michael just looked so stressed but what i admire is that with the only people he hasn't change are the children. He never hesitated to show them the love a father should show and he listens to their boring already known stories.
I walk away from the kitchen and i catch Michael in the office holding his forehead while looking at some papers so i knock at the door before i enter ,,What's up businessman?" I smile

,,Oh,Wanda. Hey come in" he smiles ,,Close the door please" he adds. I close it and go sit in front of him. I think i should start asking him some questions ,,What are you doing?" I ask trying to make a smalltalk

,,Work, i got with a new agency and i don't know whether i should sign the contract or not it's just-" he shakes his head while pointing at the paper

,,Okay i don't know the struggle, the only time i ever had to sign something was whether i want the guy who robbed me to go to prison or not" i smile ,,Oh did he?" He asks

,,Why would i else sign it?" I close my eyes and he lets a chuckle out ,,How's... how's Cindy? Has she called?" He says looking through the papers

,,Not since a few days. She is staying with a relative" i say ,,I don't know why she won't let me buy her a house or at least an apartment, if she doesn't want to stay here" Michael looks at me

,,Mike, an apartment? A house?" I nervously laugh ,,You remember? Christmas day. You wanted to buy all these toys for the kids and you- you couldn't Mike" i slowly shake my head ,,I don't know if you're having financial problems all of the sudden but- it's like..." i try to know what exactly i want to say to him but i don't know

,,Financial problems? No,no" Michael giggles ,,I don't know where my money is, okay? That's all. I will fix this" he says ,,The agency... it's called AEG" he says and crosses his hands

,,AEG?" I ask confused having never heard of this agency ,,Yeah, they want me to go on a tour" he says and i get excited

,,Oh my god! But you haven't been on a tour since 1997, that's- wow" i smile but Michael doesn't seem that excited, i know he said he hated touring but still

,,fifty shows, Wanda" he mutters and i look at him, fifty shows? I mean he must've put more than that through the years

,,That's wonderful. I think it's the best this way, right? I mean you can pay the debts and start over like you wanted. I'm very happy for you" i smile and he forces a smile, he wanted to say something but i probably interrupted him.

,,Thank you" he says ,,Alright i'll go now, i have to call this woman...she- she wants me to work as a nurse at the hospital. I told her my past and she is willing to help me, so... i think i got it" i smile and Michel gets all excited ,,Yeah, you will get the job!" He says ,,Yeah" i shrug and smile ,,I believe in you Wendy" he says.

After i leave his office i go upstairs to my room and turn on the TV to entertain myself a bit since it's been really boring staying in the house the whole day. Every time we have to go outside somewhere, the kids have to be protected they're wearing masks, he doesn't want to show their identity and i think it's for the best. They will have a normal life and i want that for Michael because i know he offered me one full of love and thought me so many things in life, i don't think i will ever be able to thank him for that.

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