Vinyls with Michael

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Michael looks down sad. Maybe he doesn't believe me or maybe he is just sad because of all this situation or think i wanted to sleep with Alfred but no, i could never and even if he raped me i would never forgive myself for letting it happen. At this moment, all i know and think is that the only man i could ever sleep with in my life, is Michael. He is kind,gentle and caring to me and he makes me feel safe and happy in times where i lose myself. When he stood up for me today and pushed Alfred away from me and saw him that mad because Alfred was on me, i felt like someone really cares about me in this life. I can't believe how we went from strangers to... whatever now this is. I don't know what we are but i do now that i'm starting to fall for Michael and whether that's good or not, i don't know. After everything that has happened, i took a shower and went to bed. I lay my head on the pillow and look at the floor.

,,We're going to the mall tomorrow" Michael comes at the door

,,How? You're Michael Jackson" i say and he starts giggling

,,Some friends of mine will close it just for us, it will be us, Wanda and some other friends."

,,Okay" i say

,,Goodnight, i will leave the door open"

,,Why?" I ask

,,So i can hear you if you're having another nightmare" he smiles and then leaves

I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep. As much as i thought about Michael i was really tired from that day and i immediately fell asleep as soon as i closed my eyes.

Next day:

Waking up and knowing Alfred is gone is a relief for me because i really thought this asshole would hang around for a long time. Of course i can still see and think of Michael's mad face and shout from yesterday, is it weird that i find it attractive? His angry loud voice and his face in general when he is really mad? God i can't stop thinking about it. We get out of the car and the whole place outside the mall is crowded with paparazzi and fans

,,Michael! Michael we love you!" A girl shouts

,,Michael are you hanging out with your girlfriends? Is there a three some now?" Says a guy with a camera who keeps taking pictures of us

,,Shut up" Wanda says and when the Paparazzi man photographs her she shows her middle finger, how typical of Wanda.

With the help of the paparazzi we enter the mall safe and i can still hear the people shouting from outside. This mall is just beautiful! It even has a big beautiful Fountain with fake little Delphines in the middle. I look around and see a record store called 'Bob's Vinyl' and i immediately go inside.

,,Dude, i love record stores" Wanda comes in ,,Okay this is an idea, pick three vinyls regardless if it's a solo or an album and we'll listen to them when we're back"

,,Deal" i say

,,Sounds fun" Michael smiles

I was crazy about vinyls in 2011, i remember as a teenager i was spending my whole money on Whitney Houston, Michael, Madonna and other artists records and my mom would always get so mad but i did it anyways because my love for music was unedles. I look through the vinyls and i find some i really like. Stevie wonder's hotter than July album, two single records, one with the song Dust in the wind by Kansas and the other with how deep is your love by bee gees. After a few minutes everyone had their records, me and Michael have three but Wanda seems to have way more

,,I thought you said three?" Michael says

,,Ups" she raises her shoulders

We leave the Vinyl store and start walking through the mall. I look at Michael for no reason and i smile, he does smile back but he then looks away. Oh no, he is having this habit again! I thought he stopped since yesterday. I really want to be able to look him in the eyes and stare in them for a very long time. While we keep walking i recognize someone in front of a store standing with his hands in his pocket. He has a very familiar face and he looks directly at me smiling. Where did i see him? Wanda and Michael stop and start talking about this store with stuff from the 30s

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