Hello, Mom

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Cavalleria rusticana: intermezzo by pietro Mascagni playing in the background

I wake up to the sound of the classical music coming from downstairs. Michael is probably awake waiting for me to take breakfast with him. I can't even look him in the eyes after last night, i really can't control my dreams and nightmares. I hate it, that he had to see me that emotional and dramatic but it really felt different seeing him dead on bed and in the next moment he is next to me, and we're hugging. I come downstairs and as i thought, Michael is already sitting at the dinner table.

,,Good morning sleepyhead" he smiles

,,Well good morning to you mister, you seem... energetic today" i say and sit down in front of him

,,And you seem tired, is everything fine?" He asks with a serious face

No, actually not. But i can't do anything against it

,,Everything's fine, Mike" i say looking at the big bowl of salad in front of me ,,Woah, that's mine?" I ask

I turn my head to Michael and see him giggling ,,What did i do this time?" I ask ,,I like it when you call me Mike. Do it more often" he smiles

I smile back, oh i would love to call you more names if i had the courage to Michael. ,,So Joseph my father, has an appointment here today, just so you know to not get scared if you see him around here"

I definitely wasn't ready for this, not to be mean but Joseph Jackson literally looks like an evil bulldog and i can't believe Michael, who is looking like an angel is his son but Michael definitely looks like his mom and oh god, Janet. I always thought they were twins, the talk,smile and face is identical! When we finish eating and i stand up Michael grabs my hand and pulls me closer to his chest. ,,What are you doing?" I giggle ,,Don't you enjoy this? I love dancing with you to classical music, Cindy" he touches my head while i lay it on his shoulder and we slowly move side to side. Please call me Allison, Michael. I'm so tired of hearing this false name, i want to hear my real name for god's sake or else i'm really going to go nuts... wait, my mom! ,,My mom, am i meeting her today?" I raise my head to him ,,My bodyguard found three addresses, i will show you in a moment the three pictures of the owner and see if it's your mom" we stop dancing and i run to the living room with Michael following me. He grabs three pictures from a paper bag and sits down on the couch next to me. ,,So, first i want you to know that we didn't find any married woman with the name Aurora but we matched the birthdate you gave us and these three are the only one here in los angeles"

I never ever gave Michael or anyone else my mom's birthday date! Nonsense, is someone trying to mess with me and Michael?

,,Now, if these girls aren't your mom then it's okay. We will keep looking, Cindy." he taps my shoulder and then puts the first picture on the table

" he taps my shoulder and then puts the first picture on the table

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