Allegation of Child Abuse

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I can't tell if this is the white room or not, it's hard to tell because the room i usually met Liam was very white like shining and this one is a little bit dark. I hear some paper being thrown away and look around but see no one ,,Liam? Is that you? Did you bring me here?" I shout

,,What? To Jordan?" I hear Michael's voice in echo ,,I'm sorry, Michael... they think you did something" Wanda says in a disappointed voice  ,,What? I was with him on tour, we talked on the phone, we had fun together. What could be the problem? I just don't understand"

Suddenly the voices stop. I really thought no more time skipping ever again, what is happening then? I turn around and i see Michael listening carefully something on the phone

Jordan's dad: that's silly. No. Michael has to be there. Michael has to be there. He's the main one. He's the one I want.

Schwartz: I mean, do you think he's a bad guy?

Jordan's dad: Michael?

Schwartz: Yeah.

Jordan's Dad: He's an evil guy. He's worse than bad ....-  Michael Jackson's career, Dave. This man is gonna be humiliated beyond belief. You'll not believe it. He will not believe what's going to happen to him. Beyond his worst nightmares. He will not sell one more record. That's for sure.  

Michael listens carefully with his fingers around his chin looking sad at the phone. ,,Fucking asshole, i'm gonna kill him" Wanda stands up ,,No" Michael says annoyed ,,I'll let my lawyer's handle everything"

Oh no... it's starting. ,,Liam!" I shout and start running but there is no right or left hall, the room is empty, it's just... like when i met Liam. I know he is hiding ,,Liam!" I shout and suddenly i find myself in front of a stage.

The way you make me feel by Michael Jackson is playing

,,Hey Michel! Come over here" a man says

Michael is dressed in his blue shirt like he was dressed in the music video the way you make me feel. He runs to the man who is telling him something very quick. Michael turns around disappointed and walks away from the man while putting his sunglasses on ,,Should we start? Or-" a man comes to Michael ,,Yeah i'm just gonna watch" Michael says and sits down while looking at the boys on stage. ,,Michael?" I say coming closer to the stage but he didn't hear me so i come closer when he starts reciting the word to the song instead of singing ,, you give me fever, like I've never ever known"

,,Michael?" I repeat now standing in front of him but he is looking to his right where the dancers are ,,You're just a product of loveliness" he says. I come closer and look at him but he doesn't even pays attention to me ,,Michael, i know. It's okay, i'm here" when i try touching his hand i feel a shock going right  through my fingers and i immediately take my hand back. ,,What the hell?" I say to myself. As Michael continues to say and not sing the words i look at him but there is no sign of him going to notice me. He puts his knees up and hold his head on them, is he crying? No... don't tell me he is crying. I look at the dancers and people around who look at him but it's like their face expression doesn't show any interest ,,Fucking help him, what are you doing?" I say to the dancers who obviously can't hear me. I hear Michael sniff, he is crying! My eyes fill with tears when the man who told him that thing that upset him says ,,Do we stop the rehearsals?" Michael still with his head on his knees says ,,No, they shouldn't stop because of me. I can't continue, i'm sorry" he raises his head up ,,Did Cindy call?" He asks

,,I'm here! Mike" i wave at him but no chance of him seeing me...


,,Don't wake her up, let her sleep" i hear Michael's voice ,,You're going to be live in a few moments" a man says

What is going on? Am i dead laying on the hospital's bed? I don't get it. I slowly open my eyes and Wanda comes to me ,,Are you okay? I know we shouldn't bombard you with questions but who hit you?" Wanda sits on the bed while Michael stands up looking down. Michael looks different than the evening i saw him... he looks hurt, upset, heartbroken and pale dressed in an oversized red shirt and black pants. ,,Michael?" I look at him but he keeps looking down ,,I have something to do, we'll talk later" he walks away

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