Germany Bad tour

806 22 22

I suddenly feel as if the world is turning around with me. All these voices and faces that are passing by,the old fashioned clothes they're wearing... the old music playing on the streets. Did i just travel back in time? because all of this feels so wrong and weird right now but this is impossible.

,,Can you please, help me? i- i really don't know why i am here or what should i do i'm just"
my voice cracks

,,Let's go inside"
she says and takes me to a coffee shop

I sit in silence with my head and shoulders down avoiding the woman. I must say, i'm scared. I don't know my purpose here.

,,What's your name?"
she says smiling in a soft voice

i stop

Maybe it's not a good idea to expose my identity at this moment.

i lie

,,Okay claire, how long have you been kidnapped? do you know what day today is?"

,,I guess 18th June?"
i shake my head

,,19th June, that was close. So it's only been one day since you've been kidnapped"

One day? what the hell? I look around and again, everyone is dressed different and the atmosphere is different. I have to ask, to be sure that I'm not dreaming.

,,What year?"
i say in a shaky voice

she says in a confused way

i whisper and cover my mouth trying to hold back my tears

I was right, i'm not where i'm supposed to be.

,,I'm sorry i can't do this"
i stand up and leave the coffee shop

I start walking down the street,without looking around and i just trip. I look at my knee and notice it bleeds, okay this assured me that maybe this is not a dream. I slowly get up and touch my knee in pain. People might take me for crazy, a crazy homeless girl. I look awful still wearing my pyjama from 2020 and barefoot too. I need some shoes or even flip flops would be good because my feet hurt like hell but how can i find some shoes with no money? I have nothing. Everything feels so unreal and weird and i can tell this is not the reality. I suddenly notice a crowd people gathering in front of a big building,they were holding signs and pictures of Michael Jackson. I come closer and ask the first person i see

,,Is this like where he is staying at or something?"

,,No! It's his concert today. We have to come earlier so we can be in front of Michael! I hope they will choose me"
the girl says with a big smile on her face

A normal person would've stayed here to also be the first in line but me? i love Michael but what exactly am i doing here?

,,Everybody back up! No one is allowed to come in! come back in an hour please"
the security tall man shouts

Even though the man just told them to leave, they still have that big smile on their face. It's like nothing can ruin this great day for them and i definitley understand them because as much as i wish and want to meet him and go to his concert, i have a goal and that's to get out of this parallel universe,it would be wrong to go. I dreamed of this moment my whole life, all i ever wanted is to meet this wonderful man.
I turn around and start walking towards the street until something on the ground gets my attention. I come closer and pick it up to realise,it's the ticket to Michael's concert. I look around thinking someone might have dropped this but everyone seems too busy talking about the concert. I mean, maybe this is a sign?

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