Goodbye Ryan White

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,,I'm worried for Ryan. He is in the hospital, i didn't have time to go visit him but i got the signed autograph he wanted" he smiles looking at the window ,,He will be okay" i smile, who am i lying to? I thought i could save Ryan too but if he is in the hospital... i got no chance. The limousine stops in front of a hotel and again the bodyguards help us enter the hotel safe without the paparazzi. ,,What are we doing here?" I ask as we go upstairs ,,Did you want to go somewhere else?" He asks

I look confused at him and then we get close to a hotel room where you literally can hear Wanda yelling from inside of it. Michael opens the door and here is Wanda talking on the phone ,,She is fucking missing! Missing, Brian!" She yells. Michael closes the door and looks confused at her and me but i shrug my shoulder not knowing what this is all about. ,,I fucking know my sister, you go fuck yourself you hear me?" She yells and after a few seconds of staying still she hangs up the phone and covers her eyes ,,Fuck!" She yells and throws the phone away ,,Hey, what happened?" Michael comes towards me ,,Brian, my uncle says he- knows where my sister is. He is telling me she lives in Indianapolis! On- on her own! That's not true, Julia is missing" she desperately day ,,Hey don't worry about it, we can go check" he touches her back ,,I don't know, i don't know" she sits down on the floor with her knees up. My only family is my mom, of she ever went missing then i don't know what i would do even if we don't have contact anymore. ,,What time is it? Can we go home?" I ask ,,It's about one o'clock but not yet, sorry i have to meet " Michael says ,,It's Sunday, they closed already" Wanda stands up ,,What? I thought it's Friday" i say confused because i really thought that. Suddenly someone knocks on the door ,,I'll get it" i say

,,Come on, don't be sad we will figure this out" Michael tells Wanda ,,Whatever" she says

,,We will, we always do Wendy" i laugh going to the door ,,Shut up" she says

I open the door smiling but i just widen my eyes and look scared as the man standing here in front of me is Donald trump. young Donald freaking trump! I open my mouth and look at him ,,Is Michael here?" He smiles ,,Holy f-" i cover my mouth and Michael comes at the door ,,Donald, Hi!" He hugs him and he comes in. Why is he nice to him? He shouldn't be nice to him! Trump sits on the coach with his hands crossed and says ,,I know our meet is an hour but the guys from New Jersey are late and you weren't at the hotel to answer the phone" he smiles and then looks at me ,,Oh yeah i had something to do in a studio, this is Cindy" he presents me and he stands up to shake my hand which i do too nervously. Why is he acting so nice all of a sudden? ,, I watched Tv today" he nods and smiles.

,,Hey, hey!" Wanda comes pointing at trump ,,trump taj mahal" she nods and smiles ,,Hello" Trump smiles and Michael starts giggling and picks up the phone dialing a number. I wonder who he is calling

,,So, what are you? A president?" I ask trump ,,Republican, a president... wow would be a dream" he nods and smiles

,,No,i'll come. I'll be there in the morning" Michael makes a sad face and hangs up.

,,Everything alright, Michael?" Trump asks ,,Yeah... no, The kid Ryan is not feeling good. He is not expected to last two hours" he keeps looking down trying to smile

,,Ryan is dying?" Wanda asks ,,Yeah" Michael says

,,We can fly to... where does he live?" Trump asks ,,Indianapolis" Michael answers rubbing his forehead with his finger ,,We have to go" Michael adds

We leave the hotel and climb into the limousine that brings us to the airport. I don't know what are they expecting but i know exactly how this is going to be. When we arrive, Ryan will be already dead... the airplane takes off and i lay my head on Michael's shoulder, Ryan was his friend and knowing he is dying must be so sad for him. Even i'm sad and i only met Ryan twice but i could tell this kid could've been something big in this world, he was a smart sweet loving kid. ,,I know it's a bad time asking but, you know after we see Ryan dead or alive i really hope alive... can we check? If my sister lives around there? I have- have an address" Wanda tightens her lips and asks Michael ,,Sure, Wanda" he half smiles and holds my hand. I wish i could tell Michael the truth, sometimes i feel so bad for lying to him and it even starts to get hard pretending i don't know so something was going to Happen when i know damn right it had to happen.

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