It's Okay, Wanda

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After the funeral we get in the car and stay silent. I don't know why we aren't talking at all, maybe there is just nothing to discuss? Maybe we're all hurt from seeing Ryan in the casket?

,,Where- where did you say your sister lives?" Michael asks Wanda ,,Oh no, come on i don't want to-"

,,The funeral it's over, i told you we're going to see her didn't i?" He half smiles. I love how Michael tries to be strong, i know he is strong. I know it. ,,It's six blocks away from the church"

,,Okay, Bill drive us there" he taps on Bill's shoulder and he starts the car. I don't know if Wanda's sister really will be where she is assuming she is but i guess we will find out. ,,Do you think i will find her?" She smiles and looks at us ,,We'll see" Michael smiles

We arrive at the neighborhood where Wanda's sister supposedly lives, it's a calm neighborhood full of houses. I think that guy fooled Wanda, there is no way her sister could live here on her own with no money. She said she went missing, how could she possibly live her all out of sudden? Maybe it's a trap but I'm tired of traps, if something seems wrong we're leaving immediately, period. Me and Michael together with the bodyguards behind us follow Wanda who goes to the house number 48. ,,Wanda?" Michael says ,,If she is not here, it's okay. We're here" she nods and then knocks at the door and waits for someone who hopefully is her sister to open. Me and Michael wait and look at Wanda, hoping her sister will come out. The door opens and a girl with brown long hair opens the door, she can't be her sister right? I mean... she looks nothing like Wanda, nothing. Wanda surprisedly looks at her and nods while tightening her lips

,,How did you find me?" The girl asks, so it is her sister! I'm happy for her! I smile and look at Michael who smiles back at me

,,This is what you say to me? After all these years? How did i find you?" Wanda says in an upsetting way ,,I didn't need you or anyone else to find me, Wanda" Julia says

Me and Michael decide to walk away a little bit because this is a private situation between them, even though we still can hear them because they're loud.
,,You- Brian was right... all this motherfucking time i spent my whole ass days searching for you. Going from house to house asking for you, freaking break laws, got into fights, with dangerous people and i almost even fucking died, these two almost died because i wanted to find you!" She points at us ,,You know mom got sick? Of course you don't because you sat like a freaking slut in this new big home of yours with no worries while i-i fucking searched for you!" She yells and i see Julia's eyes fill up with tears ,,You're a fucking whore Julia!" She points at her yelling with tears in her eyes. It's heartbreaking seeing Wanda like this, i had no idea her mom is dead... i look sad at Michael but he just nods as if we shouldn't come in between them.

,,I- i didn't know mom-" Julia says in a brittle voice  ,,you know nothing!" Wanda yells ,,But you know what?" Wanda sighs ,,You should know one thing, you fucking killed mom and fucking destroyed my life. Go rot in hell" she says making Julia tear up more and we can notice how hurtful these words coming from her sister to her

 Go rot in hell" she says making Julia tear up more and we can notice how hurtful these words coming from her sister to her

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