Dangerous tour start: Munich, Germany

251 11 2

June 26th 1992

,,Gee, it's been a while since I've been in Germany" Michael looks out at us ,,That's the place where we met" i smile ,,June 19th, 1988 in Berlin" he smiles back. He remembers! He remembers the date we met, i can't believe he does

,,You guys met in Berlin?" She looks with a disgusted face ,,How romantic" she fake smiles ,,I hope i find my soulmate here, hey!" She taps on Bill's shoulder and he turns around ,,Are german boys attractive? I heard they're like real life barbie kens" Bill looks confused at her ,,I'm sure we can find you a german good man" he says

Honestly, i feel weird to be again in Germany. I might get the old vibes again, the fear i felt when i really thought i was kidnaped. How stupid of me, but i can't forget the moment Michael walked on that stage and we first ever made eye contact. Imagine looking at someone's picture for years and then suddenly you see them in reality looking into your eyes. I have to move on and forget what happened, i think Liam left me. He really did, i don't think i time skipped for a while but it's just quiet... like when Liam was here i felt he was watching every step i made but now, i don't feel his presence anymore. Maybe it's better this way, maybe he was the one who skipped time for me.

,,They knew you're here? How?" Wanda looks at the window where many people are waiting with big posters, shouting for Michael ,,My Fans know everything" he giggles. We get out of the airplane and after Michael signs autographs and takes pictures with his fans we climb into the car and head to the hotel.

We enter the hotel room which is a big one and we sit down in different places. Me on the bed, Michael on the coach and Wanda on another.

,,I'm excited and I'm not even the one performing" i say laughing ,,Yeah, aren't you excited mickey? Like touring and shit" Wanda asks

,,I love the fans, i miss them too. They're the people who motivate me to continue what i do but i don't like touring" he explains ,,You're an ass!" She says ,,Why? You can't understand it because you're not the one performing. Sometimes i can hardly get any sleep because the adrenaline levels are just so high and it can take me two days to go to sleep after a show"

,,Oh wow" Wanda says ,,Yeah and i don't like flying too. I'm afraid of flying" he says and Wanda laughs at him ,,This dude here literally has pictures in his home with him holding snakes and other dangerous animals and he is afraid of flying"

,,Come on what are you afraid of?" I say ,,Uhm why? So you can scare and tease me with it whenever i tease Michael?" She says and Michael starts laughing ,,Tell me. I'm afraid of spiders and... oh i really am afraid of heights" i say and she rolls her eyes ,,You're both so lame"

Suddenly the phone rings. ,,Michael? Where is the bathroom?" I hear... Jordan? That's the kid from los Angeles but- what is he doing here? He wasn't even in the airplane ,,Bill show him the bathroom please, i have to take this call" Michael says

,,What the hell is the cars manager's son doing here?" I whisper to Wanda ,,What do you mean? You knew he was coming. You said you don't mind, already forgot it?" She says. I didn't! I didn't see him since the car broke down... ,,Hey Cindy, I'm sorry but i gotta ask. You know Michael always befriends young boys right? Like it's what he always does, he has fun being with other children. Every time Michael befriends one, you act so mean like literally mean and when we're in a hospital or orphanage you're like santa claus with the kids. Are you jealous or something?"

Jealous? Oh god how much i wish i could tell her the reason. Wait... if Liam is gone and he is letting me do whatever i can then that means i can say whatever i want right? He has no rights anymore, i'm finally able to tell someone and open up! ,,Oh my god! Wanda" i say shocked but still smiling because of how happy i am right now. ,,I know this will be crazy, but I'll have to tell you something. Michael- Michael too" i cover my mouth as tears start filling up my eyes. The sudden relief feeling i just got is crazy, why didn't i do this before?

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