You ain't nothing, you ain't nothing!

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,,Iove you" Michael says all of the sudden making me surprised ,,Ohh Michael" i touch his cheek and he kisses me on the lips. ,,Thank you for being here. It helped me so much these weeks when it was really hard for me" he strokes my head ,,Oh don't thank me. I'm always going to be here" i say ,,And of course you can't rid of me so that makes us three" Wanda throws herself on the coach. ,,Alright i have to meet up with my lawyer, i will be back soon. Love you both" Michael stands up and walks away.

I see Michael slowly getting better since the day the police came into his home and toke the pictures. I'm happy he does, i know he will get through this because i'm here knowing everything that is about to happen and i will make damn sure he will live. ,,Shit, i promised Lindsey I'll meet up with her, fuck!" Wanda stands ups an grabs her jacket from the coach ,,Am i going to be left alone?" I shout but she has already left. It feels weird to be alone at Neverland, only hearing the soft classical music playing in the background. The phone suddenly rings ,,Alright, i have to move my ass" i say to myself and pick up the phone ,,Hello?" I say ,,Cindy" i hear Bill's breathy voice ,,Oh hi Bill, you just missed Michael he-"

,,I need to come right now, i'm- he" suddenly Bill starts screaming and i hear a boom noise on the phone as if his phone fell down ,,Bill?" I say worried but his screams stop after a few seconds ,,Bill!" I shout ,,He is almost dead, come to Clendersstreet 46 , two men will wait for you. They're wearing black clothes and have black hair. Come and the precious Bill gets to live. Twenty minutes" The man says in a very deep voice and hangs up. Bill is in freaking trouble! Michael is away and I'm all alone... how can i prevent him from dying by myself? I can't even fight! Okay no more thinking, i grab a piece of paper and write the address and description of the two men. I grab my Jacket and run to the entrance gate where i climb into one of Michael's cars and pick the keys from the seat, why is he keeping the keys on the seat? I start the car and drive off with high speed. I can't think of anything else than Bill dying, i mean Michael is trying to get through this hard time with the stupid allegation and Bill's death is the last thing he should experience right now. I stop the car beside a building and look at my car window and see two men in black with sunglasses talking to each other. Is the mafia in this? These dudes scare the hell out me and i can't even see their eyes. I keep looking at them and then grab the piece of paper ,,Hmm... black hair,clothes" i say and then look back at them. Suddenly one of them turns his head to me saying ,,Hey!" He points at me

,,Oh, fuck!" I say and get down

,,Oh, fuck!" I say and get down

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This is bad, this is so bad. I sit up and start the car and exactly when they both come i drive off. Thats was so close! I swear these guys could've put a knife to my throat and it would be over. Wait! Bill! I turn around but I'm already on the road full of cars. I start to panic and go right and left until a camion appears out of nowhere and last thing i remember it hits my car and everything goes black.

That's it, this is exactly the worst and the least thing i thought could've happen to me in this universe. Dying, if i die this means... I'm dead for good and i didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone. Not in this universe nor in mine...

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