Basements are made for us

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,,Okay run! Run!" She makes me the sign

And i start running towards Michael who lifts me up but i then immediately fall in his arms and laugh. He keeps holding me in his arms, laughing too ,,How corny" he says. We step back and i shyly look down because i know i will fall more in love with him if i look him in the eyes.

,,O...kay" Wanda says ,,Put on yours"

I take take the Stevie wonder vinyl and put it on the song lately

Lately by Stevie Wonder is playing

,,Oh this is beautiful" Michael says slowly moving his head side to side

I look at him and i just start smiling. This song reminds me of him, maybe it's because of the atmosphere. I look at him and i know i have to cherish this moment whether it's reality or not because i know soon it will be gone. It's so hard to think about it because i got so comfortable and used to Michael it's like i can't imagine my life without him anymore.

,,Jesus, why is it so hot in here?" Michael looks up

,,I turned the heat on" Wanda simply says


,,Because it was freaking cold, why would someone turn the heat on" she frowns ,,Take your shirt off then" she looks at me smiling

,,What was that?" He squints his eyes and smiles

,,What?" She asks ,,Why did you look at Cindy like that?"

Wanda starts laughing and slaps his arm ,,Shut up" she says

,,I didn't do anything" he keeps his hands in stop gesture so she stops slapping him

She stops and then he looks at me smiling and biting his lower lip, i widen my eyes and look away. ,,Uhm i'm tired now" i say and stand up

,,What are you talking about? It's 4 p.m" Wanda looks at me

,,No, i know but i feel like I'm tired" i nervously laugh completely ignoring Michael since he is the one making me stand up because i know if i stay any longer here and watch him being this... handsome i might jump in his arms.

,,Stay at least to hear who the winner is" He says ,,Wanda?"

,,obviously me. You guys suck at music, especially you Mike" She frowns and Michael starts laughing ,,Cindy had nice choices too" he looks at me.

Oh no here it comes again, i'm out. I run upstairs and close the door behind me. Stop! Stop! ,,What is this? Why am i feeling like-" i try to take a deep breath because i feel like i can't breath on my own anymore. Michael's face keeps popping in my head and i close my eyes trying to erase it. I'm here to save Michael, not to fall in love with him, this is very wrong.

,,Cindy? There is someone on the phone for you" i hear Wanda behind the door

Someone is calling for me? Who? I open the door and take the phone. ,,Hello?" I say

,,Hi, someone gave me this number saying you're the girl who came at my house few days ago?" She says in a very familiar voice

,,I'm sorry who?" I ask

,,My name is Kate. You were asking for Antonio" it's mom! Why is she calling Mike's phone?

Saving Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now