School reunion

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so sorry guys I know it's been a while. my laptop was in the shop for a while and this chapter was rewritten 3 times because my laptop refused to save documents for a while twas a whole thing.

again so sorry but I hope you enjoy


"He wants us to do what." The Doctor leans against the console, arms folded.

"The Tardis said we should go, you heard her, let's go Mickey's place." she pauses, regarding him with a glance as she smirks. "I'll drive." He opens and closes his mouth in shock, the Tardis chimes, laughing at him.

[Mickey's apartment]

Once they land, Rose checks the date and time laughing that she got the right destination first try. As she laughs, he tugs her into his arms to peck her on the lips, startling her she pulls back slightly to search his eyes. Finding what she was looking for she wraps her arms around his neck tugging him back down until their lips meets.

Mickey throws open the doors. "So there's this school right.". Rose untangles herself from the Doctor. "Mickey," She rushes towards him gathering him into an embrace. "Let's talk in the kitchen." Mickey turns back towards the door. "Not your kitchen, I doubt you even have milk in there." Mickey laughs rubbing a hand over the back of his head in embarrassment. Once in the Tardis kitchen Mickey explains what he had found, they sit there for hours putting together the perfect plan.

{A few days later}

[school building]

[Physics laboratory]

The Doctor enters his classroom wearing his usual brown suit and white sneakers.

"Good morning, class. Are we sitting comfortably?" He grins around the room, turning to the board he writes the word physics, turning to re-examining his class.

"So, physics. Physics, eh? Physics. Physics. Physics! Physics. Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics. I hope one of you is getting all this down."

He begins to question the children knowledge but only Milo can answer, in the end he decides to question Milos personal knowledge finding him to be far smarter than he should be.


A young man slops mash into the Doctors tray, he walks away with a grin joining Rose who is already seated at a table eating her chips. A few moments later the man joins them at the table.

"Two days! Two days, we've been here." He fumes, the Doctor ignores his ranting, pointing out a spot of gravy on the table for him to clean. Mickey just glares sitting down across from Rose.

"You're the one who called us here, but as much as I hate to admit it you were right Boy in class this morning, got a knowledge way beyond planet Earth." He talks with his fork, waving it as he speaks.

Rose interrupts the conversation "You eating those chips?" pointing her fork in the direction of his plate. He slides it over to her with a fond smile.

"They're a bit different for my tastes."

"I think they're gorgeous. Wish I had school dinners like this." She says stuffing another in her mouth. The Doctor shrugs as Mickey laughs.

The Doctor steers the conversation to the students and how well behaved they are. Rose ignores the conversation in favour of eating the Doctor's chips. So Mickey fills in for her throwing out uuhhhs and ow yeahs when necessary. Until the head dinner lady appears to yell at Mickey for leaving his post, demanding he get back to work and stop harassing teachers.

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