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So I have decided that Thursday will be my new posting day, as generally, I'm off work.

I finish this chapter the same day I posted the last, I've been very excited to post it.

When Rose finally emerges from her room the next morning, the Doctor is waiting for her, tea in hand.

"I think we need to talk." She says in a small resigned voice, he leads her through to the library. Getting her comfy in an armchair, before seating himself across from her placing a calming hand on her knee.

"Talk to me Rose, please." He has a hopeless look on his face, that just breaks her heart.

She takes a deep breath, steadying herself, before telling him of the wolf within, and how it was changing her.

She went back to the beginning, New New Earth when she was possessed having the Tardis in her head. He interrupts her then absolutely flabbergasted.

"The Tardis, My Tardis, how when what."

"She was in my head, introduced the body she was in as Idris. And there was a wolf on a pedestal. It was asleep but it wakes up sometime and takes over." He leans forwards questioning what she meant by taking over. She tells him about the werewolf and how the golden wolf within spoke with it, how she was scaring him until she lost control. How the wolf is always tired, and not quite awake.

"It's like she's me and not me at the same time. It's exhausting and confusing." As she starts to cry the Doctor gathers her up into his arms shushing her. Stroking her hair trying to calm her. Once she is settled, they are a tangle of limbs on the armchair. He pushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear, letting her know she doesn't have to continue. She shakes her head needing to, wanting to tell him.

She shakes her head again as if dissipating a bad memory.

"In the shop, in the shop she took over, I heard the howl, then the wolf was fighting the wire. She was so weak, but she wouldn't let her take me." She looks up eyes meeting. "We both called out for you." He gave her a wet smile.

"I know Rose." He tangles their fingers together. "I heard you." The last words were a whisper. But Rose still hears him, her eyes go wild. Reaching up she touches a finger to his lip in astonishment.

"I'm not telepathic." A ghost of a whisper, awe in her voice. He taps a finger to her forehead.

"Maybe she is."

"Could you." "what if I?" They both speak at the same time. He holds up two fingers and points that at her temple, an offering of answers.

She shifts closer so it is easier for him, to reach into her mind. With a simple I trust you he enters her mindscape.

It's just like when she was in there last, she laughs at the look of wonder on his face.

"Do you not like it."

"This shouldn't be possible."

She ignores him grabbing his arm dragging him in the direction of the arch. "TaDa, what do you think?"

"remarkable." He breaths looking through at the wolf. He turns to Rose "can I?" motioning towards the arch. At her nod. He lopes through the arch, straight up to the pedestal he reaches out a hand to the wolf. Pausing eyes flicking to Rose. She shrugs unsure of what would happen should he touch her. He buries his hand into her fur. Within a moment the arch is alive the wolf is rearing back startled awake. It looks from the Doctor to Rose, sneezes then lays back down, as if the Doctor being in Rose's mind was somehow normal.

"Can you understand me?" The wolf regards him as if he is stupid, before sending Rose a look as if to say you love him. Rose giggles.

"I don't think you're going to get anything out of her. She thinks you're an idiot." The Doctor stares at her words before stropping out of the arch. Rose laughs waving a hand making the couches appear.

"Simply childish." The Doctor jumps as Idris appears across from him on the couch with a grin. She pats the seat next to her, prompting Rose to sit.

"So, thief what do you wish to know."

"Thief, what? How? Who? What?"

Rose laughs at his confusion. "Doctor meet Idris."

"Idris who is Idris and why is she in your head."

"I told you earlier who Idris is."

"Yeah you stupid Time Lord, don't you listen. It's me." The Doctor frowns at her.

"She's the Tardis dummy." Rose ends the conversation before they can start arguing. "Can you help us to understand."

"I wish I could my wolf, but you're not ready, it's too soon."

"what do you mean, too soon." The Doctor asks, taking Rose's hand. She shrugs.

"It's too soon means it's too soon my thief. Her mind is not yet ready. And it's time for you to get up and go Mickey is about to ring you Rose."

She stands up and begins to move away, turning back suddenly she adds.

"Your immoral my wolf. You and my thief can have your forever should you wish it."

Their eyes meet as they re-enter the real world both of them have the word Forever on their lips as they come to wide grins on their faces. If asked later neither would remember who moved first, they seem to mold together as if one. They pull apart breathless grinning at one another.

"I love you." they both declare at the same time clinging to one another.

The Tardis makes a series of chime noises. Making Rose gasp trying to sit up. "Mikey, the phone."

"Time travel, ignore it." The Doctor pulls her in for another kiss. The Tardis sets of several alarm bells causing the Doctor to jostle out of the seat onto the floor taking Rose with him. She burst out laughing, at his pouting face. Darting forward to give him a peck on the lips she jumps to her feet.

"I am going to answer Mickey's call, you need to deal with that noise." She leaves the room with an extra sway to her hips.

Hope you guys liked the chapter.

review let us know what you think.

Tia (not her brother cause he did nothing.)

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