Of children and games

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before anyone gets any further I know this isn't where this chapter is meant to be, however, we have swapped a few chapters around to make the season work for the story. anywho onto the story

I think this chapter is early not sure anymore.


"Can we go somewhere, not so life-threatening this time." Rose asks swinging her legs on the console chair. "no running, just a nice trip somewhere you still owe me a trip to Barcelona, the planet, not the country." The Doctors head peers around the console.

"I know where we can go." He starts pulling leavers and hitting switches. Once the Tardis lands they both run for the door.

Rose asking where and when they are, the Doctor refuses to say, with a grin and flourish he swings the doors open only to come face to face with a cargo container. Rose bursts out laughing, as the Doctor disgruntled walks over the console to repark. (like being in a car with my sister).

[Open ground]

Once the Doctor has fixed his parking mishap, all the while Rose laughed. They left the Tardis; Rose sees a Shane Ward poster and realizes they are in the near future on Earth. The Doctor laughs at her deduction.

"Yeah, I had a passing fancy. Only it didn't pass, it stopped."

[Dame Kelly Holmes Close]

As they reached the estate, they could both see the banner hanging across signifying the London Olympics 2012, the Doctor holds his arms out as if to say tada.

"Thirtieth Olympiad." He said sounding smug.

"No way! Why didn't I think of this? That's great." She moves to link arms with him as he starts to discuss the first Olympics as they walked down the street.

"Only seems like yesterday a few naked Greek blokes were tossing a discus about, wrestling each other in the sand with crowds stood around baying. No, wait a minute, that was Club Med. Just in time for the opening doo dah, ceremony, tonight, I thought you'd like that. Last one they had in London was dynamite. Wembley, 1948. I loved it so much, I went back and watched it all over again. Fella carrying the torch. Lovely chap, what was his?"

As they are walking down the street Rose notices a man putting up missing child posters and pulls away from him to go look, the Doctor doesn't notice as he continues his conversation "Mark? John? Mark? Legs like pipe cleaners, but strong as a whippet."

After reading the multiple flyers Rose shouts the Doctor over but he doesn't hear as he is still monologing.

"And in those days, everybody had a tea party to go to."

"Doctor!" Rose yells exasperated.

"Did you ever have one of those little cakes with the crunchy ball bearings on top?"

"You should really look at this." She yells catching his attention.

"Do you know those things? Nobody else in this entire galaxy's ever even bothered to make edible ball bearings. Genius." He continues he conversation, until he notices the posters.

"What's taking them, do you think? Snatching children from a thoroughly ordinary street like this. Why's it so cold? Is someone reducing the temperature?" He looks around, examining the street.

"It says they all went missing this week. Why would a person do something like this?"

The Doctor meets her eye "What makes you think it's a person?"

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