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Again I've finished a chapter a week before its due go me !

Ok not gonna lie I really didn't like the 2-part episode about the parallel world and cybermen, literally the best part was parallel word. but for this story to work, it is necessary so I'm just gonna say it happen as it happen:

When the episode started Rose got weak when the Tardis landed.

Mickey stayed.

Blah blah blah

Also this is the end of the episode after Mickey has left the Doctor and Rose have a heart to heart finally. So without further ado.

Mickey's departure made the Tardis seem too small, the Doctor and Rose exchange awkward glances across the console, neither willing to make the first move. The Tardis shakes violently throwing them both to the floor. Laughing they pull themselves to their feet, sharing a conspirator's smile.

"I think she."

"I think the Old." They both laugh.

"Cup of tea?" Rose asks holding out a hand, he grabs it giving a quick squeeze, he lets her lead him down the corridor to the kitchen.

Tea poured they sit in silence opposite each other at the small table. The Tardis starts to chime angrily, as the room shudders.

Roses lips twitch in half a smile, explaining that she is threatening to turn the room upside down unless they admit their love properly, and stop being idiots.

"Well," The Doctor starts reaching across the table to take her hand, rubbing his thumb along her knuckles, "If I have to do this properly. Rose Tyler, I love you. I think It's always been you from the first ever run." Rose bites her lip staring at him with wide teary eyes.

"I love you too, even back when you were leather and ears. And whoever you will be in the future because it will always be you."

The Doctor sends her a mischievous smirk "Even if I change into a woman."
"This is supposed to be a serious conversation mister." She wags a finger at him, "But yes, even then because you will always be my Doctor."

"Rose will you. No wait how do humans do this?" Finally letting go of her hand he gets down on one knee. "Rose Tyler will you do me the honour of bonding with me." The Tardis lets out a series of excited chimes and bells. Rose joins him on the kitchen floor, slanting her lips over his.

"I will as soon as you explain to me what that means, I'm gathering it's a time lord wedding."

"It's kind of like that it is a mental bond, our minds would be telepathically link forever." The Doctor pulls himself of the floor, running a hand through his hair he tries to explain again. "Do you remember a few weeks ago when you allowed me into your mind, it would be like that, but also nothing like that."

Rose tugs him back down, "I think I get it; we will share a mental bond that is soul deep, and you will always be there in my mind but not in a way and vice versa."

He shakes his head, "There is more to it than that, Rose if one of us dies the other will die too, one cannot survive without the other."
"You think I would willingly live without you after all you have put us through. Shut up and bond with me Time Lord." She silences him with a kiss.

"Just one thing, I am not bonding with you on the kitchen floor, so pick somewhere else. Also do we need to change is there a specific dress code."

He smiles at her rambling tugging her up leading her through the corridors stopping at a room she had never seen before. "The Doctor frowns, scowling up at the ceiling "WHAT, this isn't the room I want, and you know it. Where have you hidden my room?"

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