You promised me Elvis

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Sorry it's taken so long to post this I have a terrible head cold, so if I've screwed up any grammar I apologize.


"Elvis, let's go see Elvis." The Doctor shouts as he flings open Rose's bedroom door, Startling her awake. Groggy she pulls a pillow from behind her throwing it at his head shouting at him to get out.

She joins him in the kitchen once she has woken up properly. A cup of tea and some breakfast waiting for her, he is bouncing on his toes waiting on her arrival excited for the day ahead. As she enters the room, he can barely contain himself, she sends him a funny look as she bites into a piece of toast.

She ignores him all through her breakfast, until she finishes the last of her tea. Once she is done, she finally acknowledges him.

"Sooooo, Elvis, 50s clothes, chic little diners, milkshakes," she grins up catching his eye, "I think I can clear my schedule." She pulls herself up out of her chair, "I'll be in the wardrobe, can I trust you to get us there." He sends her a disgruntled look before loping of to the control room.


The Doctor drives out of the Tardis on small scooter wearing a white crash helmet and shades, he stops, waiting for Rose to finish getting ready. He is watching the Tardis door with anticipation, as a pair of pink high heels and layers of tulle step out of the Tardis. Rose is in full 50's chick gear.

"I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era, you know the white flares and the, grr, chest hair." The Doctor just shakes his head laughing.

"You are kidding, aren't you? You want to see Elvis; you go for the late fifties. The time before burgers. When they called him the Pelvis and he still had a waist. What's more, you see him in style." He then adds. " You going my way, doll?" She grins at him tilting her head.

"Is there any other way to go, daddy-o? Straight from the fridge, man." The Doctor laughs at her getting the lingo correct as she gets on the back of the scooter putting on a pink crash helmet. As they ride down the street, the Doctor explaining where they are going Rose notices a red London bus drive past. Then the Doctor pulls up by a red post box. The street they are on is decorated in Union Flag bunting. Rose laughs making a joke about New York vibes, making the Doctor groan realising what he had done, Rose nearly falls off the scooter laughing at him.

[Florizel Street]

The Doctor and Rose bump into a man delivering televisions on the street, they get to talking about the coronation, making the Doctor realise that they are in 1953. Rose just rolls her eyes not surprised at the mistake. As she is shaking her head at him, she notices most of the houses on the street have TV aerials. Noting its weirdness to the Doctor before either can truly question magpie properly about his tv's a woman starts yelling across the street. Two burly men in black suits are bundling a person into the back of a car, a blanket covers his head. The woman is yelling at them to release her husband. A young boy runs out of the house next door trying to help. But one of the men shut them down stating that it is police business. Rose turns to question the young boy, the woman is inconsolable, but he is hurried inside by a man who could only be his father. They decide the only thing left to do is go after the car. Jumping on the scooter racing down the street.

They are close in pursuit but, lose them coming to a dead end.

"Surprised they didn't turn back and arrest you for reckless driving. Have you actually passed your test?" Rose throws out, fixing her helmet.

"Men in black? Vanishing police cars? This is Churchill's England, not Stalin's Russia" He says completely ignoring her comment. Rose remembers something the boy said and points out that the neighbours would know. The Doctor laughs about Rose's domestic approach but agrees none the less. They take off again back down the street.

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