Goodbye Fenrir

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So, guys, it's been a while, but this chapter has been written and rewritten a dozen times, and there has been a number of meetings about this chapter. I just couldn't get it just right but now I do think it is done. Finally.

so without further ado enjoy xx

"The gravity field. It's going! We're losing orbit! We're going to fall into the black hole!". The base has fallen into chaos Jefferson and his men are shooting at the Ood trying to protect the staff, as Zack races around the console trying to stabilize the base. He falls into the chair exhausted and kind of scared. Hitting the comm he lets them know they are back in orbit.

[Drilling area]

Rose rushes to the comm, trying to reach the doctor hysterical at the lack of answer. The computer announces the door opening Jefferson and his guard take aim as Danny throws himself through the door, Scooti is at his side in an instant. Wrapping an arm around her, kissing her forehead he explains the Ood are on their way. Jefferson just tells him to get out of the way. Danny shakes his head leaning against the door as if it would protect them.

"But they're armed! It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as a weapon." Pushing past Danny Jefferson opens the door his guard at his side, the leading Ood sticks its globe onto the guard's forehead, she screams dying. Jefferson starts to shoot backing into the room, sealing the door upon re-entry.

Zack demands an update as he is cut off from the rest of the team, trapped in the command centre by the Ood. He discusses ammunitions with Jefferson, upon realising their position Jefferson recommended strategy 9. Zach agrees completely and starts making plans to gather everyone together, first port of call getting the Doctor and Ida back up and within the base.

Rose tells Zach she still can't get through, the Doctor cuts her off letting them know they were ok, she insults him, but he continues as if he hasn't heard letting them know that the seal had opened leaving a chasm.

"I already know that I can feel the anger and hatred leaching out. Its debilitating."

The others in the room stare at Rose, she is leaning against the comm.

"Rose are you ok?" The Doctor sounds a little more than panicked.

"Yeah, I just feel a little overwhelmed it'll pass." Scooti pulls away from Danny reaching for a nutrient drink for Rose, she closes her fingers over it slowly. Scooti hovers placing a calming hand on her shoulder.

"But there's nothing. I mean There's nothing coming out?" Zach questions worried for Ida's safety down there. The Doctor gives a negative.

"It said Satan." The Doctor cuts Rose off trying to calm her. She just shushes him. "He's not Satan he's something else I just can't. Why can't I remember." She runs a hand through her hair glaring at the floor.

[Point zero]

While Rose is quiet Zack tells Ida and the Doctor to withdraw, informing them what had happened when that thing opened. Telling them that they were in danger of falling into the blackhole. Ida tries to argue but Zack shuts her down with the word's strategy nine.

Furious Ida turns her comm off, turning Zach frantic. Ida and the Doctor discuss going down, and for once the Doctor is against it, worried by Rose's reaction to this rock. He hits the comm letting Rose know he's on his way back up.

[Drilling area]

Rose lets out a sigh of relief, at his unusual decision, before she can celebrate Jefferson is pointing his rifle at Toby. Claiming him infected, Danny moves to stand in front of Toby shielding him as Rose argues with Jefferson. Scooti stands of to the side, thinking about what had happened earlier in the day, realising that Toby had in fact tried to kill her. Rose wins her argument, pointing out that it had passed onto the Ood.

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