The end

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its finally here the last chapter of doomsday

The Daleks land, trundling across the floor, exclaiming exterminates in the human's direction. Rose stands tall stepping in front of the men; she addresses the Daleks.

"Daleks! You're called Daleks. I know your name. Think about it how can I know that? A human who knows about the Daleks and the Time War. If you want to know how, then keep us alive. That's all I'm asking. Me and my friends."

Mikey and Rajesh follow suite, claiming knowledge, they didn't have.

The Daleks choose to keep the humans alive, dismissing them as no threat they discuss the Genesis Ark that appeared with them.

Mikey turns to Rose while they are in discussion asking how the Daleks can be there if they're supposed to be dead, shaking her head she chooses to focus on the ark, because she didn't know what it was, and if the Daleks need it, protected it, it was definitely something bad. She tentatively reaches for the Doctor's mind only to recoil, sensing his agitation she leaves him to deal with the Cybermen. She straightens her spine, standing tall. She's delt with Daleks before, she killed them, she killed their emperor. 'I've got this' she says mentally to herself. Feeling the Tardis's reassurance in her mind she calms instantly.

[Yvonne's Office]

Jackie is yelling at the Doctor, refusing to listen to reason until he grabs her by the shoulders.

"I don't know. I'll find her. I brought you here, I'll get you both out, you and your daughter. Jackie, look at me. Look at me. I promise you. I give you, my word."

The Cyberleader, takes control of the room once more, demanding to speak to a central world authority to order global surrender.

Yvonne in her snarkiest voice "Oh, do some research. We haven't got a central world authority."

"You have now. I will speak on all global wavelengths. This broadcast is for humankind." The Doctor puts his 3d glasses on again as the Cyberleader talks to the world using tv screens "Cybermen now occupy every land mass on this planet, but you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and colour and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us."

The world falls into instant chaos.

"I ordered surrender." A fact the Cyberleader cannot understand will never be followed, the Doctor explains.

"They're not taking instructions. Don't you understand? You're on every street, you're in their homes, you've got their children! Of course they're going to fight."

[Sphere lab]

The leader of the Daleks questions which human is the least important, Rose starts to argue that's not how it works but Rajesh cuts her off telling the Daleks that he represented Torchwood, and he will be who they will be dealing with, the Daleks force him to kneel with his back to them, demanding Knowledges, he offers it freely but they decide taking it would be easier, and begin a brainwave extraction, Three Daleks sink their plungers enveloping his head. He screams offering them anything they want as Rose and Mikey watch on helpless.

[lever room]

The Cybermen have been scanning the building detecting unknown technology within the sphere chamber. The Cyberleader sends a few units to investigate.

[Sphere lab]

The mummified body of Rajesh hits the ground, already falling to pieces. Using his memories the Daleks have gained knowledge on the ghost invasion. Rose catches their attention yelling at them for killing Rajesh, they just point out that they didn't need him alive. Turning to another Dalek the leader demands he investigate outside.

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