what test

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I still don't own Doctor who.

sorry for the long wait I'm back in work and it's been hectic, remember guys stay safe wear a mask. That being said we are all nerd we don't go outside.

Rose has finally escaped the Doctor, sat partially hidden behind the console reading a textbook with a frown on her face.

"Damn it." She closes the book with a sigh, as she hears him making his way down the corridor.

Rose feels the song of the TARDIS brush against her mind, she opens her mind with a smile 'hello old girl'

'he's coming you might want to slip away if you want any peace and quiet, I've lit the way for you.'

Rose laughs as the TARDIS retreats from her mind, already scrambling to her feet. She takes off down the lit corridor hair flying behind her, book clutched to her chest laughing in delight. The door to the library swings open as she gets closer, she runs in the door swinging closed behind her she leans against it catching her breath. When she looks up, she sees the TARDIS has chosen her an additional selection of books. She grabs them escaping to her room to study.

The Doctor throws open Rose's bedroom door after the search of the TARIS turns out unfruitful. What he sees makes him smile Rose has fallen asleep leaning against the wall in her room, books surrounding her. On her knee her notebook with pens in her hair. He strolls across the room scooping her up, careful not to wake her. He sits her in bed, gently tugging the pens from her hair, before laying her down, moving down to take her shoes off then cover her up. He walks over to the books and stacking them neatly on her desk before leaving her room whispering a simple goodnight as he flicks the light off.

The next morning]

As soon as it hits 7 am Rose is startled awake, by the Doctor as he jumps on her bed, bouncing.

"Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, get up get up its time for your test!"

"wha.. Get off me," she shoves him away causing him to fall on the floor making him pout, she throws the covers of herself. She points at him "you go make breakfast; I'm going for a shower." She frowns glancing down at yesterday's clothes. The Doctor stands there awkwardly rocking on his heels, staring at the door she went through. He rakes his hand through his hair turning heading towards the kitchen.


The Doctor is singing along to Ian Dury and the Blockheads, dancing as he butters the toast. Rose walks into the room; she laughs at the sight.

"I hope you've made my breakfast." The Doctor sweeps his hand out in a presenting motion towards the table. Rose grins as she sees the set up complete with tea, just how she likes it.

"Eat up, test day today," he claps his hands together spinning away from the table. "I found some old tests in the library." he continues rambling, but Rose isn't listening she's trying to find a way to escape the kitchen without him noticing.

Rose escapes down the corridor, a piece of toast hanging from her mouth.

'Hide me' she thinks to the TARDIS. Her chiming laughter floats around Rose's head before a doorway appears to her left.

It took the Doctor several hours to talk the TARDIS into letting him see Rose, well it took him pointing out if Rose could read circular Gallifreyan she could fly the TARDIS. As soon as the words were out of his mouth a door appears in front of him, making him huff at her.

He enters the doorway to find, the TARDIS had hidden her in the library, he wanders through the rows until he finds, Rose curled up on a couch the language book forgotten in her lap watching Brother Bear (can you guess what I'm watching right now) crying with Koda (why Phil Collins why). The Doctor vaulted over the back of the couch to land next to her, she shifted leaning into him cuddling close as he threw his arm around her tucking her into his side.

When the movie ended Rose is smiling, she pulls away from the Doctor rubbing her eyes before tilting her head to catch his eye. "I love this movie but it's so sad, loss can make a person grow, it's heartbreaking. That being said he was a major dickwad before he became a bear." The Doctor leans forward to wipe a few stray tears away dropping a kiss on her brow.

"Rose you can do the test tomorrow instead," he runs his hand through his hair, "it's not that important, it just means you won't be learning how to pilot the TARDIS until tomorrow."

"You're kidding?" Rose's eyes dart up, searching the Doctors face for signs of deceit not seeing any she carries on "once I do this test, I can fly the TARDIS?" The excitement evident in her voice. The Doctor grins back at her, "Yeah I told you that" Rose laughs shaking her head.

"Show me the test Time Lord." She gives him that special grin, causing him to jump to his feet spinning on his heels, from side to side the smile fading from his face. Rose bursts out laughing "You can't remember where you left it can you?" The revelation makes the Doctor pout falling back onto the couch beside her. Rose wraps her arm around him kissing his cheek "How about we go on a little adventure and by the time we get back the TARDIS will have set up a special test room for us, complete with test."

"Brilliant," the Doctor dives up grabbing Rose's hand dragging her through the TARDIS to the console room (I'm thinking crystal maze here) "I know exactly where to go." He starts pulling leavers catching Rose's eye he shares a grin with her.

I know its only a short chapter but there will be a few filler chapters they are useful to the plot. And I have halfway finished the next chapter so fingers crossed that's coming soon.

Review, if you liked it or didn't the only people I talk to right now are colleagues and honestly, I work with idiots. That and my youngest sister turned around today and said she thinks she's the youngest. shes so lucky shes pretty.

As usual, I did all the hard work so much so that my brother doesn't even know this chapter if finished nevermind going up

Tia & her ever not present brother

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