revenge of the bitchy trampoline

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I still don't own Doctor who

After dropping Iriving off not bothering to check where he landed, the Doctor sends them back into the vortex.

"So where are we going?" Rose grins leaning around the console to look at him.

"Further than we've ever gone before." meeting her eye as he spins around the console flicking switches.

[New Earth]

The TARDIS has materialized across the river from a massive city. Flying cars zoom overhead. Rose looks around in awe. The Doctor links their arms pulling her along before placing his coat on the grass so they can lay together.

"It's the year five billion and twenty-three. We're in the galaxy M87, and this? This is New Earth." he grins at her explaining the planet.

"That's just. That's just"

"Not bad. Not bad at all." the Doctor finishes for her.

"That's amazing. I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet, different sky. What's that smell?" She looks around trying to identify the smell in question. The Doctor just rips up some grass and holds it out to her "Apple grass."

"Apple grass." she repeats in wonder smiling tongue between her teeth, he nods grinning back.

"It's beautiful. Oh, I love this. Can I just say, travelling with you, I love it." she hugs him close before return to her previous position watching the cars fly overhead.

"So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted." He continues.

"That was our first date." Rose interrupts.

He grins down at her "We had chips. So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up, oh yeah, they get all nostalgic, big revival movement, but then find this place. Same size as the Earth, same air, same orbit. Lovely. Call goes out, the humans move in."

"What's the city called?"

"New New York."

"Oh, come on."

"It is. It's the city of New New York. Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. What?" he asks as she just stares at him amused.

"You're so different." she look at him under her lashes almost shy.

"New New Doctor." He chuckles pulling himself up, holding out a hand to pull her to her feet.

"Can we go and visit New New York, so good they named it twice?" Rose turns to watch as the Doctor pulls his coat back on. Once he is done, they reach for each other's hand again, he pulls her close their shoulders bumping as they walked.

"Well, I thought we might go there first." pointing towards an elegant pair of curved skyscrapers standing apart from the city on their side of the river. Rose questions why resting her head on his shoulder.

"Some sort of hospital. Green moon on the side. That's the universal symbol for hospitals. I got this. A message on the psychic paper see." He holds out the paper so she can read the message

Ward 26 Please Come

"Someone wants to see me." Rose pulls away from the doctor walking in front and turning to look him in the eye, hands-on hips.

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