The absolute

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Guys, I'm like 3 chapters ahead go me.

so hope you like this chapter xx

Rose leads the Doctor through the Tardis stopping not in front of the library, where they usually have their discussion but their new shared bedroom. She releases his hand moving around the room, taking her shoes off leaving them near the wardrobe.

The Doctor observes from the doorway in silence. It is only once she is clambering into bed wearing sleep shorts and a tank top that she realises that the Doctor is no longer with her, her face crumples into a frown. He is across the room in an instant, coat and suit jacket thrown across the desk chair in his haste. Settling on the bed to take his shoes off, Rose leans her head against his shoulder dragging in hollow breaths.

He pulls himself into the bed under the covers, tugging Rose into his arms, it is only once she is splayed across this chest, head resting over his hearts that she begins to speak.

"I don't remember everything, but when I hugged Toby. "She pauses," when I hugged Toby Fenrir was possessing him. I felt it, so much rage. He died hating us all so much. And he had every reason too."

The Doctor can feel the tears staining his shirt, shifting slightly he pressed his lips to her forehead, running a hand through her hair gently.

"He said you hand a hand in his lovers' death, that it would be ironic that I your lover would kill you."

Her head shoots up, hands on his shoulder to hold herself up she searches his eyes, "You have to believe."

"I didn't believe a word of it Rose, you saved the life of a dalek, you could never kill an innocent person." She sinks into him at those words, a wave of calm over her. She rubs her head against his chest.

"Ulric did something, I think. My head seems clearer. I can't remember everything, but I can remember the begging how we came to be, and how we came undone. But Doctor I'm sorry you had to do that. You need to know he wasn't always like this, he was my kin, and the sibling I was most closest, we got up to so much mischief drove our other siblings half mad."

She shifts getting comfortable, asking him if he is comfy at his nod, she leans up kissing his cheek. He catches her jaw pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "Nothing." Another kiss, "This changes nothing Rose Tyler, I love you, it is your name written across my hearts, forever will never be enough."

She half-heartedly smacks his chest." You'll make me cry." She kisses his nose before returning to her previous position. "Now for an epic tale."

"In this tale will I find out why Rassalon is a thief."

"Maybe, now hush."

She clamps a hand over his mouth as she begins to speak.

"A long time ago in a faraway kingdom."

"Shouldn't that be once upon a time." They both laugh.

So before the beginning, no time no space no species, there were five beings, the absolute early civilisations called us. It's funny, we have and always will take the form of a wolf, even before such thing existed, I think that was Lupa feeling a little nostalgic.

Anyway blah blah blah 5 beings; nothingness, or Ulric, the shadow wolf. Life or Lupa, the white ethereal wolf. Death or Rafe, the Black ghostly wolf (Think supernatural hellhound) then there was me bad wolf or time and space, the Golden wolf, and before you ask, I can see the look in your eye why bad wolf well it was a miss translation, bad and golden were such close words, my sibling started calling me bad instead of golden and it stuck. Anyway lastly there was Chaos or Fenrir the red smoking wolf.

We were inseparable, even when Lupa went on to create civilisation after civilisation, we followed learning even talking form of species to interact with them. The first planet created was krop tor, it was beautiful, Lupa out did herself that day, and we all went on to take forms of what is now known as the ancient ones. That planet was the one we came to call home, it was the first and as such our favourite, the people loved us. They didn't care who we were because they saw us for what was inside. It was then our brother Chaos fell in love, he was so happy, they were so in love most people didn't care for our brother. The creator of chaos got a bad rap. But she loved him dearly, even went on to marry him. It was all going so well until. Siun that was her name ironically it meant peace in their language. She Died, she died giving birth to their child, complications you know, Rafe had to reap her. It was all a mess, he had to do it her soul would rot inside her body if he didn't, but Fen didn't see it that way, all Fen saw was his family killing the woman he loved. He killed Rafe first, he didn't even have time to defend himself. Fen though if he Killed Rafe he could save Suin, but death doesn't work that way you can't cheat death.

Rafe's death caused plagues to break out all over the universe, war, famine, pestilence. In the destruction Ulric stole the child away hiding her in the void, we were sure Fen wouldn't do anything to hurt her, but he was losing his mind, he wasn't chaos anymore he was destruction washing over the planet.

Rafe's death weakened Lupa greatly they were inseparable, life and death, yin and yang. You can't have one without the other.

Lupa Ulric and I, we had a plan, we had to strip Fen of his powers, Ulric retrieved the child from the void while Lupa created the ruins we needed, and I lured Fen into the chamber you found. The process took hours, I lost my heart partway through when we lost hold for a second, he ripped it straight out, I could barely focus through the pain I knew my end was coming, losing my heart I could deal with all that energy and a heart nope.

Once he had been drained of his powers and they had been passed onto his daughter Ulric took the child back to the void to help her cultivate her powers.

Lupa and I stayed behind to finish the sealing, it was us not Ulric who trapped Fen there, Lupa used up the last of her life force binding him to that planet. Her death turned every living thing on the planet to dust.

I was the last thing alive on that Rock aside from my brother and I was dying. I managed to reach Ulric's void, dying in his arms. As he promised we would see each other again.

"So yeah that's the story, or well at least what I know." She looks up at the Doctor, he is speechless it makes her uncomfortable, he's never speechless. After what felt like an eternity the Doctor leans down to kiss her. "That doesn't explain the who Rassalon thing at all."

"I kinda skipped over that part, remember when I said I had my heart ripped out, that created the untempered schism." He interupts her in complete disbelief.

She just laughs. "Believe what you will but when an absolute loses their heart something bad happens for me that is the untempered schism. It won't kill us but I kinda fucks the world up." she snuggles into him. "Can we just lay here a little longer." she adds when he makes to more. Planting a kiss on her forehead he tells her to sleep, that she's had a long day.

So my little shit of a brother has told me he can no longer help me write this fiction, as he is too invested as a reader and also i need to write faster. what a shit.

Anyway hope you have enjoyed the chapter, let us know what you think



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