A wolfish wedding

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still ahead whoop whoop

enjoy loyal fans and dorky brother who is no longer allowed to read before I publish

After the revelation they spend a few days to themselves in the Tardis not even venturing out when they run out of milk.

Its only after the fourth day that Rose, walks into the console room tugging the doctor out from messing with the wiring, she asks him can she drive. Curious he steps aside.

Rose doesn't have to touch any levers or press any buttons she just runs a hand along the base of the console whispering you know where I want to go girl and they are off.

"Cheater." The Doctor whispers into her ear as he moves up behind her resting his head on her shoulder. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see. But I need to change."

They land and Rose is still not back. The Doctor tries to check the scanners, but the Tardis has locked him out, frowning he moves to the doors, but they are locked too and his key won't fit. He sulks on the captain's chair awaiting Rose's return.

Rose finally returns about an hour later, the Doctor feels the breath leave his lungs as he takes her in, foul mood vanishing, he is upon her in seconds, kissing her as if he were a dying man. Pulling away Rose clings to his jacket lapels for balance, blinking she tries to regain focus.

"I take it you like my dress." She takes a step back giving a little twirl. It's a tasteful mix between Egyptian and Grecian, and she looks beautiful in the power blues and shimmering gold. A true goddess.

"Rose, where are we?" He asks as he tugs her close again tucking her into his embrace, she peck a quick kiss on his jaw line.

"Krop tor." At the look on his face she continues hastily, "It's the day of my brother's wedding, I missed it the first time around too busy traveling to be a good sister, well brother I guess, I was male in my ancient form." She gives him a cheeky smile. "Ginger too."

The Doctor makes a face at her. Tapping her nose he tells her not to make fun. "My siblings Doctor they said another version of me came this day, I never understood why, but I think this is it, I mean why would I remember that of all things unless I needed to be here. I can feel it I need to be here to close the loop."

The Doctor pulls away from Rose grabbing his coat, slipping it on he offers her his hand, they share a smile as they run for the door.

"I've never been here before."

"Well neither have I, at least not in this body." She gestures at her human form.

"Stop making fun of me Rose Tyler." Her reply of never is punctuated with a kiss on the nose.

She takes off in front dragging the Doctor to their destination. She stops so suddenly he runs into her back. Smirking at him, they disappear in a golden haze.

When they appear they are surrounded.

"I can't believe." The man trails of in realisation looking to the others for support.

"That is not good." The platinum haired woman says folding her arms. Grinning Rose begins the introductions. She points out each of her siblings in turn. Starting with the woman with beautiful platinum blond hair and striking blue eyes introducing her as Lupa, the man stood next to her couldn't have been more different with his dark almost frosty looks the Doctor isn't surprised when he is introduced as Rafe. Rafe looks the Doctor over with contempt. Noting down the day he could finally reap his soul. The next man introduced was quiet also most subdued mousy brown hair and eyes, he could blend in with any crowed. Ulric was sizing him up.

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