The return of Mikey the idiot

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BOOM done, and still ahead goooo mee wrote this two weeks ago!

Also second to last chapter for this season, are we excited!

"We should visit your mum."

"Are you sick? You hate visiting my mum." The doctor wrapped an arm around her pulling her in for a quick kiss, before spinning her around the console and into the pilot's seat.

"I think you need to talk to her, also we still haven't told her we're married, and I feel we should tell her sooner rather than later, either way I'm gonna get a smack." He shrugs haplessly.

[The Tyler's flat]

The Tardis materialises in a corner of the children's playground on a bright, sunny day. Rose races up to the flat, the Doctor following at a much more sedate pace. She lets herself in, Jackie making a comment about how she never rings ahead, Rose laughing throws her arms around her, telling her how much she's been missed. They exchange I love you's and more hugs. By this time the Doctor has just made it to the flat, trying to get past them to pop the kettle on, Jackie grabs him by the arm dragging him in for a hug. He squirms trying to escape but she just smacks a kiss on his cheek, the Doctor tries to brush her off.

Rose distracts her mother with a present so the Doctor can escape into the kitchen. It's small ornate metal nick nacks Rose goes on to explain with a little help from the Doctor that they got it from a market on an asteroid baza, that it is made of Bazoolium, it is used to tell the weather.

Jackie just places the nicknack on the table, "I've got a surprise for you. Guess who's coming to visit? You're just in time. He'll be here at ten past. Who do you think it is?"

"Mum, we can't have a guest we have to talk to you about something."

"You can tell me all about your planet hopping once they have left, now guess."
"No, I hate guessing. Just tell me."

"It's your granddad. Granddad Prentice. He's on his way any minute, Right, cup of tea!" Jackie shoo's the Doctor out of the kitchen finishing off the drinks herself. As Rose whispers in hushed tones with him how impossible that is because he is dead. She shouts through asking her mother to repeat herself. When she does Rose gently reminds her how he died. Jackie looks at her like she is the one that has gone mad. Of course she remembers it's her dad. At Rose's insistence Jackie has had enough.

"Why don't you ask him yourself? Ten past. Here he comes."

An ethereal humanoid shape walks through the outside wall and stands next to Jackie.

"Here we are, then. Dad, say hello to Rose. Ain't she grown?"

[Powell Estate]

The Doctor closely followed by Rose run out of the Flat, ghosts are everywhere, and people are ok with it, no one is alarmed or afraid at their appearance. Rose shouts a warning just as one of the shapes walks straight through the Doctor. It is not a comfortable sensation it makes the Doctor cringe rubbing his chest. Jackie having followed them out explains.

"They haven't got long. Midday shift only lasts a couple of minutes. They're about to fade." This just give the Doctor more questions. "What do you mean, shift? Since when did ghosts have shifts? Since when did shifts have ghosts? What's going on?"

"Oh, he's not happy when I know more than him, is he?" Jackie sasses.

The ghosts disappear just like Jackie said at twelve minutes past. The trio return to the flat.

[The Tyler flat]

The Doctor puts the tv on flicking through the channels, each has something about the ghost on even EastEnders. Jackie explains it is all over the world not just the UK.

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