before the begining

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Sorry this is late apparently having a week off work is terrible for my productivity

hope you enjoy

The Tardis materialised in a very tight spot.

"I don't know what's wrong though. She's sort of queasy. Indigestion, like she didn't want to land."

"You don't think it's because of the parallel world do you." The Doctor shakes his head.

"Shouldn't think so." He points towards the door. "I think we've landed inside a cupboard.".

A computer voice activates, letting them know the door is opening. The Doctor makes a comment about it being some sort of base, built out of a kit." The computerised voice chimes again as the door closes 'close door 15'

"That is going to get old fast." The Doctor laughs at her irritation.

[Habitation 3]

Finally out of the corridor, they enter a room the computer names habitation 3, it is a large room with tables and chairs. There is a large 3 on the wall.

"Ohhhh, It's a sanctuary base. I love a good sanctuary base" He laughs giddy, bouncing on his heals. "Deep Space exploration. We've gone way out. And listen to that, underneath. Someone's drilling."

"Welcome to hell." The Doctor sends her a scathing look.

"It's not that bad." Laughing she raises her eyebrow at him nodding towards the wall with the writing on. The words are painted on the wall in big block letters, and a vertical script underneath.

"Hold on, what does that say? That's weird, it won't translate." The Doctor gets up close to the wall, putting his glasses on.

"Doctor," Rose grips his arm tightly "I can read it, I can read it and I remember." Tears gather in her eyes.

Turning to give her his full attention, he cups her jaw, "Talk to me Rose what is it."

"We need to leave; we need to get everybody of this rock and leave right now." The grip she had on his arm is so tight he is losing circulation.

"Rose this writing is old, impossibly old." He stops, pauses to look at her. Dropping a gentle kiss on her forehead. "We should find out who's in charge." Moving across the room, he starts to spin the wheel on another bulkhead door. "We've gone beyond the reach of the Tardis' knowledge. Not a good move, Not a good move at all. And if someone's lucky enough." The computer voice actives as the door opens. The Doctor and Rose jump back in shock. There is a large group of aliens with tentacles, where a human would have a mouth and nose, standing on the other side of the door. They have all have a tube going behind the tentacles, carrying white globes in the right hand.

"Oh! Right. Hello. Sorry. I was just saying, er, nice base." The Doctor's words fail him.

Giving the white globe in its hand a light squeeze, causing it to glow. Startled both time travellers take a step back. The glowing globe the alien speaks.

"We must feed."

Eyes wide "You've got to what.

"We must feed."

As the aliens move to enter the room the Doctor and Rose back up. More alien come into the room all chanting the same thing. The Doctor whips his sonic out pointing it from one alien to the other. Rose spins looking for a suitable weapon, finding only a chair, holding it up legs first towards the aliens. The chanting seems to echo off the walls, as the small room is filled with aliens.

One alien steps forward, tilting its head it taps its globe. "You, if you are hungry."
"What!" Is all the Doctor can say lowering his sonic.

"We apologise. Electromagnetics have interfered with speech systems. Would you like some refreshment?" Both time travellers stare at the alien unsure what to say or do next. The computer breaks them from thought chiming that door 18 is open. A group of humans enter, looking baffled at their existence.

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