Never a dull Christmas

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we do not own Doctor who if we did this would have happened

This is a story me and my brother thought up during lockdown. It started as a conversation about the timeless children and quickly spiraled.

Golden light bursts out of the Doctor's body, as the regeneration energy takes hold. (no description needed David Tennant is a household god).

" Hello. Okay. Ooo, new teeth. That's weird. So, where was I? Oh, that's right. Barcelona" rose just stares at the strange man who replaced the doctor as he dashes around the console and flicks a few switches, checking the monitor as he goes not slowing.

"6 PM... Tuesday..." Rose watches, half concealed by a pillar. The Doctor turns a knob rambling to himself "October... 5006... On the way to Barcelona!"

Straightening up and facing Rose, grinning as if extremely pleased with himself "Now then... what do you think?" giving a little spin with a flourishing wave. But giving her no chance to reply before waving his hands to silence her.

"No, no no, no no no no no no no. No. Don't tell me". Rose looks completely bemused.

"Let's see... two legs, two arms, two hands..." the Doctor Tests his wrist, circling it "Slight weakness in the dorsal tubercle." His hands fly to his head, "Hair! I'm not bald!" Rose now looks shocked.

The Doctor runs his hands through his hair gleefully "Oh, Oh! Big hair!" he runs his hands down the length of his face and feels his sideburns, looking and sounding delighted "Sideburns, I've got sideburns!" he pauses dramatically sending Rose a wide eyed look "Or really bad skin. Little bit thinner..." he taps his stomach and gives Rose a wink.

With the air of someone making a most wonderful discovery he makes the biggest eyes at Rose "I... have got... a mole. I can feel it." Rose is breathing heavily, She looks scared. The Doctor doesn't seems to notice as he rambles on "Right in-between my shoulder blades, there's a mole." He rotates his shoulders grinning in delight "That's all right. Love the mole."

Turning to give rose his full attention, standing up straight as if ready for her assessment hair ruffled "go on then, tell me. What do you think."

Rose flinches black slightly as she timidly asks "Who are you?" The Doctors face falls, pain and surprise in his eyes as he utters "I'm the Doctor."

Rose shakes her head, she's in complete denial "No... Where is he? Where's the Doctor?" Her voice raising with every word. "What have you done to him?"

"You saw me, I, I changed..." The Doctors waves his hand over his shoulder to the spot where he regenerated willing Rose to believe him" Right in front of you."

Rose shakes her head "I saw him sort of explode, and then you replaced him, like a... a teleport or a transmat or a body swap or something." The Doctor does not interject. He seems lost for words. Rose takes a few steps towards him. At arm's length, she pushes him in the chest. "You're not fooling me."

The Doctor rocks back on his heels as though he cannot believe what he is hearing.(Que the adorable kicked puppy look). Rose goes on "I've seen all sorts of things. Nano genes... Gelth..." she Looks darkly at him. "Slitheen... Oh, my God, are you a Slitheen?" her voice raises again.

The Doctor raises his eyebrows and calmly interjects "I'm not a Slitheen."

But Rose doesn't hear him she's already shouting over him again "Send him back. I'm warning you; send the Doctor back right now!"

The Doctor leans forward in his urgency to make her believe him invading her space, pleading her "Rose, it's me, Honestly, it's me."

Rose stares at him, her chest rising and falling very fast, but before she could speak he went on "I was dying. To save my own life I changed my body. Every single cell, but... it's still me."

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