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aubree's pov

we are in the car driving to his i'm guessing?

his hand has a tight grip on my thigh, and the other on the steering wheel.

we pull up into his driveway, and he gets out and comes to my side.

he opens my door, letting me get the chance to finally get out.

i slowly get out the car, and i try and fix my dress, but he's dragging me to the front door.

he opens the door and throws me over his shoulder.

before he could go upstairs to his room, uncle mike stops him.

"junior.." uncle mike's voice echos through the quiet house.

"what are y'all abt to do?" he says looking at him.

"we were....going to talk.." he says pulling my dress down.

"about what?" uncle mike says.

"umm.." mike starts, but aunt jess comes out the room.

"if you don't leave that boy alone, imma beat your ass, go have fun.." she winks me before dragging mike to their bedroom.

mike continues going to his room.

we get downstairs, and he locks the door then puts me down.

he grabs my neck, and pins my hands to the wall.

" you like to do shit to get me mad.." he says looking at me.

this man was looking so good.

the feeling in between my thighs were killing me.

"can you fuck me mike.." i say looking at him.

"i want you to rail me.." i tell him looking into his eyes.

"i'm tryna be mad at you right now.." he says.

"i'm ready, i promise i'm ready just please.." i beg.

"bree... i don't think i should take it.." he says loosing his grip from around my hands, his hand still on my neck.

"i want you too..please." i look into his eyes.

i put my hands on the side of his cheeks, and i bring his lips into a kiss.

{ so quicker reminder: i have an audience that maybe younger or older, but i just would like to tell everyone reading that to take your time, and go slow. please do not rush things for you because it all will happen naturally. just be smart, and careful while having sex like staying protected, and making sure there aren't cameras. love yall}

he returns it turning it sloppier, and hungrier.

he picks me up by my thighs and goes over to the bed, not breaking the kiss.

he unzips my dress, and my chest is exposed to him, but i still have my black thong on.

he pulls my thong off putting it inside his nightstand drawer.

he comes over to me, sucking and licking on my neck.

he leave reddish-brownish hickeys on my neck and chest while rubbing me.

"mike.." i squeal as his thumb circular motions on my clit.

"mike! mike..mike.. i'm peeing.. wait.." i moan.

i hear him chuckle, and he grabs my right breaths sucking my the nipple making my arousal start to drop onto the bed.

"okay, i'm going to finger you..okay?" he says looking at me.

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