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the next morning..

i wake up looking around feeling nasty, and tired.

i look over and everyone is here sleeping on the multiple couches they were brought in here for us.

i slowly get up, and i go over to the clear box where my baby sits.

my legs feel numb, and weak so i needa hurry and wash up.

i grab my flip flops, and i head to the shower.

i close the door, and and i get inside.

there is a bench, so i washed my legs and private parts making sure i was clean and smelt good.

i sat down, and washed my arms, stomach- which is still bloated- and my neck.

i rinsed off my body before getting out, and getting a towel.

i sit on the toilet drying off, and moisturizing my body.

i slip on some panties, and the extra gown i saw there.

i got on some hospital socks, and went out seeing my baby boy stirring in his sleep.

i pick him up, and pull down the gown so my right breast is exposed.

i lower to his mouth, and immediately start sucking.

i heard someone start waking up, and i see mami sit up.

"good morning mami" i say smiling.

"morning baby.." she says stretching before coming over to me.

"he's so handsome" she says kissing his cheek.

"thank you mami.."

"he looks like mike.." she laughs.

i take my breast out his mouth while laughing.

i turn over, and pay his back waiting for him to burp.

"did you talk to him yet about how y'all are gonna do this.." she asks rubbing my legs.

"not yet, but we'll figure it out" i look over to him seeing him sleeping.

"but what are naming him? mike the third?" she asks.

"i don't know yet.. imma call him nugget for now." i say hearing him let out a little burp.

i take him and lay him on my chest.

"lemme see my baby boy.." she says with grabbing hands.

"lemme go wash my hands." she says softly running over to the bathroom washing them.

she came back, and sat on the bed again waiting for him.

"girl, this one is mine" i telll her handing him over.

she smiles looking at his little face making me smile.

i hear groans and i see mike getting up.

"hi micheal.." mami says.

i'm just nervous to even talk to him.

after everything all you could send was letters? really.

he couldn't even come to me knowing i was pregnant.

i don't know if this is gonna work.

"good morning aunt lai" he says stretching looking at his baby.

"can i hold him?" he says.

mami looks to me for an answer.

i nod, and she gets up, and walks over to him but she stops.

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