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two days later..

i'm getting dressed, and im dancing around my room having fun.

low music is playing throughout the walls of my room, and im hving one of the best times of my life.

my morning sickness hasn't been so bad this past week, so lets hope it'll stay that way.

last night, i started ordering the essential baby items, like a crib baby bag, some bottles, formulas.

i just have one thing to get through today.


i stop dancing for a moment, and i go to my closet, and get dressed.

something simple today.

just some sweats, and a regular t-shirt with a hoodie.

i walk out my room to the kitchen with my bag in hand to start my snacks for the day.

first i'll have some cheetos, then i picked up two bottles of water with cranberry juice, and pineapple as well.

with the actual pineapples as well.

some grapes, and cantaloupes.

that's my snack for the day.

i was walking out to my car.

aiden went to lani's house yesterday, and didn't come back.

i was driving to school when lani starts facetiming me.

i answered, and she telling me how devyn is talking mad shit in the commons area, and they weren't letting her inside.

"bitch you needa come quick cause i'm about to pounce on this bitch." she says trying to fight security.

"okay i'm on my way." i say hanging up speeding the rest of the way.

i pull up into the parking lot, and got out looking for her.

i walked into the building, and i saw this big crowd of people.

mike was trying to calm her down, but i wanted to fight this bitch.

i walked over there and pushed mike out the way, and i punched her in her face making her fall onto the lockers.

she regained her balanced, and started fighting.

not gonna lie she was getting her hits in, but mine were harder.

she tried and hit my stomach but i pushed her off of me.

"what's wrong, why you being pussy?" she says with blood trickling from her nose.

"you wasn't about to hit my stomach bitch, are you dumb?" i say out of breath tryna fix my hair.

"you're pussy! imagine stopping a fight because your stomach hurts." she says.

"that's fine, but look at you though.." i say pointing to her.

the hall monitors starts coming form the hallways making everyone run in different directions.

i ended up getting near a bathroom, where i was pulled into.

i looked up and mike was there.

"what the hell are you doing?!" i whisper-yell.

" what happened when you were fighting devyn?" he says looking at me.

"what're you talking about?" i ask.

"you stop fighting her because 'you're stomach hurts' ?" he says questionable.

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