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he grabs me, and i look up to him.

"i'm sorry baby.." i apologize.

"i know, but cmon you're gonna make-up for your mistakes." he smiles, pushing me onto my bed.

"mike, my dad is awake.." i whisper as he sucking my neck, and taking off my pajamas.

"then you just have to be quiet, and go lock the door." he says finally breaking away.

i walk up to the door, and lock it.

"we needa hurry up, my dad always comes in and checks if i'm sleep." i tell him.

"that's fine." he says taking off his wife-beater.

"but the lights are on." i explain to him.

"who said we was fucking with the lights on?" he says removing his pajama pants as well.

"strip, and on your hands and knees" he says going over to the light switch.

the room turns dark, while i'm in the middle of taking off my shirt, making me stop.

"keep going." he says.

"i can't see you.." i whisper.

"it's fine because i can see you.." he chuckles lightly.

i was finally naked, and i feel his warmth come closer to me.

"hand and knees." he says.

" before we start, can i put on my hair in a bun?" i ask, innocently.

"but then i won't have anything to grab on.." he says.

i suck my teeth, "annoying ass" i mumble while getting into position.

"i'm annoying? heard you.."

he pulls me back, and hooks his arms around my thighs.

he grabs my waist, bring it backwards, and he starts eating me out from the back.

"yes.. mike" i hear all of the noises and wet sounds he making with his tongue.

he rubs my ass while in action making my head spin.

he groans, and slaps my ass in the process.

"wait.. mike.. too much.." he starts sucking on my clit making me tremble, and shake.

"shhh..." he whispers.


i whimper but he keeps going, sucking the life out of me.

"mike..i'm gonna cum" i tell him making him lap his tongue on me faster.

my stomach becomes looses as i feel liquids travel down my leg, and he licks it up.

"damn.." he says.

i'm breathing heavily, and i start to get up, but i feel hands put me back into position, but my arch is deeper.

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