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two weeks later..
4:21 am

i was up awake, keeping messiah quiet so the others can sleep.

he was crying, and i didn't know what was wrong

i changed his diaper, i fed him, i gave him his pacifier.

i just didn't know.

he was whining right now, and i was in my bathroom trying to calm him down.

i take out one of my breasts to feed him, and he immediately stopped crying, and drank.

if you were hungry, just say that-

i walked back to my room where i opened hulu, and watched the amazing world of gumball while he drank his milk.

there was a light knock on the door, and i got up, and opened it.

it was aiden.

"did he wake you, i'm sorry" i apologize.

"no, he's fine, i just wanted to make sure y'all both were good because i know you up at this time everyday.

"thank you, but yeah we good, he just hungry, and i think he's done know.

i turn around and slowly take out my breasts from his mouth and put it back inside my shirt.

i put a baby towel on my back, and start burping him.

"i forgot to text you, mike asked if you guys can go out today, to talk about what ever the fuck y'all talk about."

i sigh, and roll my eyes.

"thank you aiden.."

"lemme hold nugget" he says.

"you know his name is messiah, right?"

"mhm, but i still like nugget.." he laughs going to wash his hands.

i heard a small burp from messiah, and i smile.

he starts sitting up, and i wipe his mouth.

i kiss his face, and play with his hands.

aiden comes back, and sits on the bed.

i give messiah to him, and they cuddle.

"i hope you're tall like your uncle.. because if you take aubree's height, you're gonna wanna cry.." he teases me.

"so funny.." i say going to messiah's room.

i already painted blue majority of the room, and got him some new clothes.

i went over to his crib, and made up the blankets.

i then went over to his changing station, and added more diapers, and wipes.

i cleaned his nose cleaner, and made sure he had all clean pacifiers.

i take all of his bottles, and take them to the bathroom.

i get the dish soap that i keep in there and wash all of them out.

i hear faint crying, and i turn off the water rushing to my room.

i open the door, and aiden was on the floor looking for something.

"what happened?" i ask.

"his pacifier dropped under the bed, and i'm looking for it.. and got it." he says pulling it from under my bed.

he runs over to the bathroom, rinsing it off then plopping it in his mouth.

he holds him and rocks him putting him inside his donut pillow to go to sleep.

aiden gets inside my bed, and cuddles up next to him making me smile.

i kiss them both on the cheek, and walk downstairs.

i walk downstairs, and i go tot he kitchen to get fruit.

i cut up some strawberries, blackberries, and some bananas.

i'm trying to get my body right before i finish high school.

graduation is coming up soon, and i want to have my body right.

i was walking out the kitchen when i see him.

"mike? why are you in my house at like 4 in the morning?" i ask.

"i can't stop thinking about you aubree.." he cries.

"mike. you saw me yesterday what happened?"

"i can't sleep knowing that my family is broken because of me.. it hurts, and i'm sorry.."

he looks hungry, like when's the last time he's eaten?

his eye bags are worst.. they are darker.

he just looks drained.

"mike.. that doesn't mean you don't take care of yourself?" i tell him.

"aubree please i'll do anything to have you back.." he says cupping my face.

" i want our family that we have to be one whole together.. i want to have messiah in a complete family.."

"i want you to take care of yourself, and help me with messiah.. then maybe we can talk.." i tell him ignoring his statement.

"but until then just do your job as a father.. you need to stop worrying about me because i got me. you need work on your priorities, and right now i'm not one of them.."

he puts his head down, and sighs.

he nods, in agreement finally looking to me.

"now here's a towel, and a rag, go wash ya ass.." i push him near the bathroom.

he chuckles a little bit, going inside.

once he closes the door behind him, i sigh.

he's gonna have to learn...

i walk to the living room, and get the box.

this box contains everything of mike's that i have, or had.

i did his laundry before putting it inside so i got him some sweats, boxers and a white tee for when he comes out.

i feel myself getting tired, and i sit down on the couch.

the last thing i hear was a door opening.

- - - -
few hours later

i wake up, and lani and leah are here.

i stretch looking around at everyone.

i see aiden chilling with lani rubbing up on her.

kobe comes over, and kissing her cheek.

my smile fades when messiah comes across my mind.

i launch up from my seat, and i blot up the stairs into my bedroom.

i slam the door opening looking inside.

my heart stops, and i feel myself getting heated.

"your baby is very adorable" she says.

leena speaks🧍🏽‍♀️
i am very much tired.
smuts coming soon ig🤷🏽‍♀️

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