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"no. i'm not going to be the reason you cheat on your girlfriend." i say looking at him.

"then ill break up with her right now, for you, for us." he pleads.

" and if you do, we aren't getting back together." i look at him.

"why not?!" he says looking at me tears now rolling down his cheeks.

" because you need time to yourself, i still love you, but you need to think before you add another person to your life." i explain to him.

i walk down the stairs and wipe his tears on his face.

he opens his arms for me to hug him.

i accept it and i hug i'm back.

his hands slide down to my ass, and grip it.

i sigh, and i release the hug, with his hands still attached.

"mike..no." i tell him trying to take off his hands off my ass.

" mike.. i'm serious." he shakes his head, 'no'.

"then ill break up with her right now, and end this whole situation right now" he says taking out hiss phone.

"mike, but its not gonna change the fact that you cheated on me." 

" and i'm sorry bree, please forgive me. i will never do anything to hut you again.. please.. i ill take you out on dates, not even, just for us to spend time together." he says looking md in my eyes.

i nod my head, and i hug him

he bends down, and kisses me. i kiss back,  pull him in to deep it.

his phone starts ringing, he pulls away, and i look at his phone, seeing her name across the screen.

i sigh, but then quickly stop, and get an idea.

he answers his phone, and i drop down to my knees, and start to pull down his sweats.

he looks at m while talking on the phone.

"what the fuck are you doing?!" he mouths to me.

i shrug, and snap the band of his boxers against his skin.

i pull them down, and my eyes widen, its like i've never seen his length before.

its like it grew?

hes arguing with her about something, so i might just help him ease the stress..

i've never done this shit before, so here we go..

i grabbed his length it was warm-

i gave him a hand job, just pumping my hand in a circular motion, on his shaft watching him struggle to respond.

i felt his erection become stiff, so it was now time, to actually suck him..

i held the warm, flesh with both of my hands, and i inserted the tip in my mouth.

i suck in my cheeks, and i lick it while it was inside my mouth, and he started breathing heavily..

"y-yes, i'm l-listening.." he stammers trying hold the phone.

he grabs the back of my head, gripping my head making me take more of him in his mouth.

he was controlling how fast and how much i took of him.

he put the phone to his chest, and looked down at me.

" were gonna have a kid.. i'm serious." he tells me.

i roll my eyes, and i run my hand up his toned stomach.

"mike!" i hear from the phone.

he picks up the phone breathing heavily, watching me, keeping eye contact.

"look, i cant do this no more, we're done. we got together b-because i was missing the person that giving me some good s-slop right now.." he says holding my head.

he starts thrusting into my mouth making me gag, with spit running down the sides of mouth.

"i gotta go.." he moans.

he hangs up the phone putting it on the floor.

he makes a ponytail in my hair making, look up at him while he thrusts faster in my mouth.

i feel him release his warm load inside my mouth pulling it out slowly.

"swallow it." he says looking at me.

"mm mm" i hum shaking my head.

he grabs my neck making me look at him, and only him.

i swallowed the warm, liquid making me make a disgusted faace.

" open" he said.

i open my mouth showing him.

" stick out your tongue." he tells me.

i stuck out my tongue, and he lapped his with mine.

we began making out on the wall.

he picked me up spread my legs, pulling my sweats off in the process.

he ran his length in between my folds, making me whine, and moan.

"you mad wet, damn." he mumbles, rubbing my clit.

i try and grab something, but there nothing to gab.

"you ready baby?" he saying teasing my entrance with his tip.

"mhm.." i grab onto his neck, and squeeze as i feel him fill me up.

"so fucking tight.." he moans.

he starts thrusting up into me, making my mouth and eyes open wide.

"fuckk..shit.." curse flowed out my mouth as he was pounding me.

"you love me baby?" he asks looking at me in my eyes.

"yes, baby i love you, so- fuck.. much baby" i whisper-moan in his ear.

"fuck.. bree. you know i love you too right?" he whispers nack kissing my ear.

" i love you so much, that when these mouths that were apart, youre gonna a=have a part of me." he says now sucking, and biting on my neck.

"okay.." i whimper,, thinking about the possibilities.

"you sure baby?" he asks, looking at me.

"mhm.. daddy put our baby in me.." i say looking at him.

" fuckk.." he says releasing his kids inside of me.

he kisses my forehead, and looks at me in my eyes.

" if you do end up pregnant.. we got this, were gonna be alright.."

one week later..

"its been a week, and no period, i've been throwing up.. guys?" i ask the two woman standing in front of me.

mami comes, and hugs me, with aunt jess behind her.

" if you are, i won't tell your father, but that's if you want to keep it." mami says.

" if you don't won't tell micheal either, until your ready " she says.


hehe.. also new book.. for smuts!

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