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aubree's pov

i wake up, to my phone going off.

i look at it, and it's my dad. fuck.

i look at all the messages sent ranging from:

'where the hell are you'

'why aren't you answering your phone?'

'what happened! call me'

i call him, and he immediately picks up the phone.

"where the hell are you?" he shouts.

"i stayed the night at uncle mike's house." i tell him.

"why didn't you call, and tell me?" he says frustrated.

" i forgot, when i came i went straight to sleep." i tell him.

"i want you home, within the next hour!" he says in his low, deep voice making me tremble.

i'm in fucking trouble when i get home.

"okay, i'll be home.." i say rolling my eyes.

all i know is that aiden better cover for me.

i see mike waking up, and i look at him.

"morning babe" he says.

"morning, i need you to take him home like..now." i tell him.

"uncle d?" he asks. i nod.

"mhm..how am i supposed to get there when i'm limping?

"uhh.. i'll carry you on my back until we get to your room." he says.

"alright, now what am i gonna wear?!" i ask.

"i got the perfect outfit." he laughs going to his closet.

he came back out with his hoodie,  and sweatpants.

"i'm not wearing that.." i tell him.

"guess, you're wearing you dress home.." he sighs.

i snatched the sweatpants from him, and almost out them on.

" i need help.." he comes over and pulls them up.

"put this on." he says handing me, his hoodie.

"i don't need it.." i push it away.

he puts in on me anyways.

he fixes my hair and puts it into a little messy bun.

"cmon." he bends down, and i latch onto his back.

"ma, dad, i'm taking bree home!" he yells.

"we'll be over there in a mintue!" aunt jess yells.

we make it outside and get start walking since it's only a five minute walk.

we were talking about what we were going to do today, when we actually got to my house.

we enter the house, and he takes me up to my room.

we walk inside my room, and it empty. good.

he sets me down on my bed, and then lays on it with me.

"aubree!" i hear my dad yell.

mike stands up, while he makes his way into my room.

dad comes in, and i look at him.

"i'm waiting for an explanation.." he says leaning the door frame.

"i left the party early with mike because i was tired." i tell him.

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