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im sorry, i know i said four more, but this is the end.

next morning, 9: 42

i feel eyes watching me, while i'm cuddled in my blankets.

i open my eyes, looking around and i see asia playing with messiah in the rocking chair.

"what time is it? i'm sorry i overslept.." i say rushing taking off my dress, and jumping in the shower.

"its fine bree, he was good all this morning, he ate, pooped, and he even took a little nap.

"thank you asia, i owe you!" i shout over the running water.

i finish showering quick and get myself moisturized, and then get dressed quickly for shopping today.

running out in only jeans and a tank top, i look at myself in the mirror.

"this will do, i guess.." i put my shoes, and packing the baby bag.

i take messiah from asia, and put on him a beanie with mittens so he doesn't scratch his face.

i also put some socks on him, and i put him in his car seat, then taking him downstairs.

i see mami, and aunt jess sitting on the couch watching tv, waiting for us.

"finally, you tired ass is awake. you ready to go? we gotta get it like today, graduation is on friday." aunt says.

"right, its wednesday, and we gotta get your hair done, and shoes, you know what, lets just get in the car and burn time." mami says grabbing her keys.

i pick up messiah's car seat, and bring him out to the car.

i buckle him in then hopping in next to him, while lani comes in right next to me.

her phone dings, and she takes it out her pocket.

"auntie lai, leah just texted me telling me shes at the dress store on 53rd street with my mother, and aunt ness." lani says shutting off her phone.

"alright," mami says driving through out neighborhood going onto the highway.

we are driving, and messiah looks at me.

we make eye contact, and he smiles while spitting up.

i chuckle wiping the spit then getting a phone call. i pull out my phone seeing that it mike.

"its micheal?" aunt jess asks me.


" don't say mhm, like he was deep inside last night.. yeah i heard yall nasty asses.." mami says making my eyes go wide.

i shake my head answering the call, putting it to my ear.


"why you talking crazy already"

" i just asked what you called me for micheal"

" where you at"

" somewhere."

"aubree stop playing with me like i wont beat your ass." he says sternly making me cross my legs.

"where you at, i'm not asking again."

"going to pick up something." i say rolling my eyes.

"what you got an attitude for? do i needa come and fix it, cause shit you being mad spicy right. and what you going to pick up?" he asks.

"my dress for graduation sir."

"make sure you wear something navy blue cause i wanna match."

"ill see if i can get one.."

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