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my eyes widen, but i keep my focus on staying calm.

i hear him come down the stairs, and i look up to see him holding test results.

aiden's pov

i walked up the stairs in the room, and i waited for lani to get her tiny ass in here.

she slowly came to the door, and stood there.

"aiden, i'm sorry-" i cut her off by pulling into my room, onto my bed.

"what i tell you before?" i ask her.

she mumbles something i can barely hear.

"speak up!" i say sternly.

"you said not to fucking slap you." she says irritated.

"so what the fuck did you slap me for?" i yell back.

leilani's pov.

"because you always ignore me for the stupid ass team! the season is over, and you still ignore me every single fucking time aiden. i'm not gonna keep doing this shit with you!" i yell at him.

"then why don't you say anything? you act i wanna be around you all the damn, you get annoying!" he yells back but then his eyes widen at what he said.

"lani.. i didn't mea-" i cut him off.

"we're done." i say calmly leaving out his room into aubree's, locking the door then laying down clearing my head.

aubree's pov

"mike.." i start but he cuts me off.

"why did you lie?" he says coming closer to me.

i stood up, and start backing away.

"i can explain, but just wait a second." i say looking at how mad he's getting.

"so we were having kids, and you didn't want to tell me.." he clarifies.


"when the fuck were you going to tell me?!" he yells at me.

i gulp, and tremble at his loud voice.

"i was going to tell you, but i just didn't know how and when to.." i say with tears in my eyes.

"don't fucking lie to me! when did you find out?"

"two days ago.." i say looking at him.

"how many days, months, how long are you along?" he asks with anger over in his voice.

"two months.." i say looking at him.

"that why you were throwing up!"!he yells.


"that's why you missed so many days of school!" he yells

"you fucking liar!" he yells at me.

"what happened to 'we're gonna do handle it together' huh?! where's that energy at?!" i ask.

"how the fuck do you keep something like that from me?!" he yells.

aiden comes downstairs, looking at the both of us.

"aubree, i'm going to ask you this one time, and i better get the fucking truth." he says keeping eye contact with mike.

"are you pregnant?" he breathes.

"yes. i'm sorry." i tell him.

"it's okay, we'll talk later, but you.."

he points at mike.

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