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we get to the stadium, and me, leah, lani, and aryana get out the car.

we give aunt jess a hug, and we walk into the gates, up to the bleachers where the rest of the team is.

i see the football players having a quick practice before the actual game starts.

"okay, we are going to go down and practice the routine." aryana tells us.

we put our bags down, and we headed to the grass area.

we started doing the routine, and it was time for them to hold me in the air.

i lifted up me foot and held it, by my side.

i looked to the side, and their he was.

staring at me.

i turned my head, and then i was thrown, and caught.

"okay good job girls,  you guys can go chill until the game is at halftime , just be back her by 8:25."

i nod, and i go to the locker rooms to go take pictures.

as i was going over, and as i was walking, someone tapped me on the shoulder form behind.

i turn around and there she is.

" hello devyn.." i say with a fake smile.

" hi aubree, what you doing here?" she says returning a fake one.

" i'm cheering for the team, if you didn't know.." i say looking her up and down.

"well, i'm just hear for my boyfriend.. mike. do you know him?" she says smiling.

"oh yes! i do know him! he's the one who's been in these guts.. but i gotta go, bye!" i say turning around, walking to the locker rooms.

i get inside the locker room, and i start taking my pictures, just admiring myself.

i don't need validation, from no nigga.

that just kept repeating in my head.

that's when i heard the door open.

i look behind me bu my picked up and slammed onto the lockers.

i finally look at the person, and its mike.. 

"what are y-" i was cut off by him smashing his lips on me.

i push him back, and i let myself away from his grip.

"no, no, no!" i say looking at him.

" do you know what the fuck you've done to me?!" i yell at him

"i sat there, and cried, and felt worthless because your sorry ass couldn't keep your dick to yourself!" 

"and i'm fucking sorry!" he yells back, but i stand my ground.

" and then on top of that, you make the bitch your girlfriend?! are you fucking serious, micheal?!" i yell at me.

i slap him in his face.

"i deserved that, but you didn't let me explain myself at all! how is this supposed to be a relationship, when you wont let me speak?!" he yells.

"this isn't a relationship! what don't you understand?" i ask him.

"you fucked up what we had. you lied, and cheated." i say, tears starting to brim my eyes.

" i didn't mean to cheat! i didn't  want to, i wasn't thinking straight that night. we were smoking, and drinking, and it got crazy." he admits.

"look, i could give a fuck if you were cross-faded, you still did it, and lied to me where you were going." i explain to him.

"okay, i understand that, but-" i cut him off.

" and is she the reason why we haven't had sex? every time i ask its always, ' i'm tired' or ' another time'." i explain to him.

"baby, you have to understand, i had practice every single day, and i was tired." he says.

" i had practice too! i had to come home sore every single day, and i wanted was to cuddle with someone, but you had another plan." i tell him.

"i'm not gonna argue with you anyways, i have to get to go, and you have a game to play." i say leaving out.

he grabs me, and kisses me, and i kiss back.

"mike, you have a game.."

" i have ten minutes.." 

"i cant do this.." i say pushing him away.

"one more time please.." he says holding my hand, looking at the matching ring on my finger.

 i forgot to add that in chapter 16 i think, but yeah.

"just once" i sigh.

we love that toxicity..purrr..

he picks me up, and lifts up carrying my over to the benches, and puts me on my hands, and knees.

he lifts up my skirt, and my pulls my panties.

"i don't like everyone seeing you inside this skirt. its too short.." he tells me.

"and i don't like other bitches seeing my man's dick, so i guess we both mad, huh?" i snap back at him.

he sighs, and slaps my ass, very hardly.

"watch your mouth, and how you talk to me.." he growls.

"i'm going to need my panties back this time." i say sighing.

"mhm, i know.. but shut the fuck up." 

i sigh, and i pull out my phone, and go on snap, recording myself.

i feel him push inside, me making my phone fall out my hand.

"that's what i thought.." he says pushing in and out of me.

he starts going harder, making me jolt forward.

"pick up your phone, and record us now.." he grunts

i go to pick up my phone, but it hard because of the pleasure im feeling right now.

i pick it up, and i open my phone.

snapchat is already open, and i lay my phone down, and close my eyes.

i feel him grip my hair pulling it backwards.

"i said record us now.." he growls, going deeper.

i pick up my phone, and i slide the record button so, it's on hands-free.

as i jolt forward, so does my camera, capturing me, moaning, and him giving me back-shots.

"oh fuckk.." i say in high-pitched moan.

"mhm.. i'm deep baby, i can feel everything.." he moans.

"bree, i'm nutting in you.." he moans.

" baby.." i moan.

"yeah.. teen parents.." he says busting in me.

"you gon be a great mom.." he says chuckling a bit.

the recording ends.

"mike.. i dont have anymore pills.." i tell him watching him put his stuff back inside his pants.

"now, you gon have to deal with me, and c'mon the game about to start.." he says helping me put on my panties, and skirt.

he garbs my phone opening it, saving the video, and walks out going to the field.

i have no problem with devyn, i love her :)

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