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aubree's pov

"i didn't fucking cheat on you!" he yells in my face.

i stop and look at him breathing heavily.

"she said that to get you mad! when the fuck would i have time to cheat on when we literally are facetime anytime we don't see each other!" he yells even louder making me flinch.

"and since that's how you feel stay that way.." he says walking to his car.

i walk behind him.

"baby..please.. i didn't mean to say that.." i cry walking after him stopping him from getting inside his car.

"aubree move.." he says in a low tone.

"please, i'm sorry.. i need you.." i whine.

"move out my fucking way aubree!" he yells in my face making me go to my car.

i watch as he drives off.

i hit my steering wheel crying.

i hear tapping on my window, i look up to see lani and leah.

i let them inside, and we drive off.

"i was thinking maybe later tonight we can have a sleepover?" leah suggests.

we all agree, and i drive back to their house.

i drop them off at their house, and i drive into mine sobbing, and breathing heavily.

i walk into the house, and i see mami. i go over to her, and hug her tightly.

"mami, i'm sorry.." i cry .

"baby, what happened.."

"me and mike got into a fight and i told him something.." i cry loudly.

"what's you tell him baby?" she says looking at me.

"i told him.. that.. i wish her never took my virginity.." i cry.

"i'm sorry mami.." i sob on her chest.

dad comes down, and looks at us.

"what's going on?" he asks.

"i'll talk to you later.." she tells him rubbing my back.

"no, tell me-" dad starts.

"i said i'll fucking talk to you when i'm done, now go upstairs!" she yells at him.

i hear him go upstairs, and she sits me down on the couch.

"i'm sorry mami, you probably think i'm disgusting.."  i saw crying even more.

"baby, i would never... how do think you got here baby.." she  giggles.

"when i was your age, i was doing way.. way.. more things than you.. " she thinks back..

"look why did you say that to him?" she asks me.

"because cynthia said that she gave him head." i sniffle thinking about everything that went down.

"do you wanna talk to him?" she asks me.

"no.. he hates me.. i'm the worst.." i cry even more.

"come here.." i climb onto her lap, and she hugs me right.

"but laila i need you to be honest, did you and mike have sex last night?"

i nod my head, and cry even more.

her phones starts to ring, and she picks it up.

aunt jessica's pov

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