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"w-what are you doing here?" i stammered.

"do you really hate me.." he looks at me.

"no baby.." i hug him tightly.

"then why would you say that?" he starts to cry.

"i was mad.. i thought you cheated on me.." i whine.

he pushes me off of him, and goes back to the window.

i sigh, and turn back to my bed.

i was spun around from the back of my neck, and mike slips smashed on mine.

i felt fireworks go off. the world was spinning.

he pulled away and looked at me.

he ran out the window, and down the ladder, into his car.

i stood there feeling empty, and there was nothing to look forward.

i laid on my bed crying into my pillow, making me. feel sleepy.

i feel my eyes get heavy and next thing you know, i'm out like a light..

- - - -
two days later

i wake up, and just lay in my bed, feeling lifeless.

i can't even cry no more.

i feel like i lost my other half.

it's dark in my room and everything feels unreal..

i haven't left my room.

i haven't went to school since monday, and i don't think i can.

i haven't eaten, i'm not even hungry.

i didn't even get in the shower.

there was a knock at my door.

i ignored whoever it was and i laid there.

they opened my door, and turned on the lights.

"bree, you have to get up he said." he said.

i turned over, and mike was there.

"w-why are you here.." i say looking at him.

"you haven't been to school in a few days and i was worried about you.." he says trying not to look at me.

"well i'm fine. you can leave." i tell him laying back down.

"bree, stop being difficult, let's get you ready." he huffs.

"you wanted me to leave you alone, so you can leave now" i tell him.

instead of him leaving, he locks my room door, and picks me up bringing me to my bathroom.

"get off of me!" i yell.

he sits me on the counter, and he locks the door.

he starts to fill up the bath with water, adding in some of my coconut scented  soap.

"get in." he says.

"no, i'm not going no where." i say looking him.

he grabs me by shirt bringing me closer to him.

"i'm not fucking around with you, get in the fucking bath." he yells at me.

i look at him, and we stare at each other.

"no.." i tell him.

he comes towards me, and grabs my neck pulling me to kiss him.

we both share a passionate kiss and he pulls away.

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