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" i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime, maybe catch up and talk?" he asks.

i think for a couple a seconds, then reply.

"um.. i guess we could..but i'm going to need to know where we're going." i tell him.

"well, i was thinking maybe tomorrow after school, we could both go to Savini's at eight. i'll be paying for everything, so you just have to come looking beautiful like you always do.."

i slightly blush at his compliment, and agree hanging up the phone.

aunt jess comes over to me with a bowl of grapes, smirking at me.

"so who was that?" she asks.

"dejaune.." i sigh.

and she looks shocked.

"you're gonna take him back?" she asks eating one of the grapes.

"no, i don't plan to.. i just want to be treated how a woman should be treated.

i put my feet up on the coffee table, and i closed my eyes.

feeling myself go into a deep sleep again.

- - -
tomorrow, five pm

i'm in my bathroom, lotioning my body on the counter.

i spray perfume on my neck, and apply vasoline as a moisturizer for my lips.

i walk out getting about to get dressed when i'm stopped.

"why are you here micheal?" i ask rolling my eyes, continuing my plan to get ready.

"where you going?" he asks igniting my question.

"i'm going out with a friend.." i tell him getting on pants and a bra.

"who's the friend, aubree?"

"none of your business, micheal."

"who's watching messiah?" he asks me.

"my parents, as you can see he's sleeping.

i point over to the crib in the corner.

"when will you be back?" he asks.

"when i'll be back." i tell him.

"aubree, stop playing with me where are you going?" he asks standing in front of me.

"i'm going out mike, what don't you understand?!" i tell him looking for my heels.

"then let me drop you off." he says.

"that won't be necessary because i am well more than capable of driving."

he grabs my jaw, and pushes me against a wall, and kisses me.

i kiss back, and my hand slides down to his sweats.

you know what went down..

i was back in the shower with micheal washing my back.

"mike, this has to stop.." i tell him rinsing off my back.

" i know... we need boundaries, and to learn how to co-parent.." he tells me.

"and also how to respect each other.." i tell him.

"and i'm sorry about what happened yesterday.. i just wanna make this right."

"and i forgive you, but this could work, but i don't want devyn around messiah.."

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