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two months later..

aiden's pov.

i wake up as usual, its six am.

i groan looking at my phone looking at my baby sleeping through the phone.


"shh.. im sleeping" she whispers turning over.

"when i get back you better be up.." i tell her.

i get up out my bed, and walk to my bathroom, but i hear sounds.

someone is throwing up.

i walk out my room, and go closer to aubree's room.

i walk in and shes in her bathroom, hched over the toilet.

i rush over, and move her hair.

"you good?" i ask her.

"does it fucking look lie im good aiden?" she snaps at me.

"damn, my bad." i say tying her hair.

"you want me to get ma?" i ask her.

she nods, and leave out to ma, and dad's room.

i knock on it, and dad answers the door.

"bree needs ma" i tell him.

"first off, go brush, ya breath is hot, and shes sleep, so ill go." he tells me.

i walk back to my room, and i hear light snores from my phone.

"lani get yo ass up!" i yell.

she groans, and finally opns her eyes.

" i fucking hate you.." she says stretching.

"i love you too baby.."

aubree's pov.

i felt lumps, and lumps of food, and liquids coming from my throat.

there was a knock, on my door.

"who is it!" i belch.

"dad" i hear him say.

"where's mami?" i ask.

"she's sleep, what's wrong princess?" he asks.

"nothing, i just eed mami, can you wak her up?" i ask.

he walks away.

i stand up, going to the sink wiping me mouth, then rinsing it.

i take a look at myself, and i stare.

i look at my body, and there's a small bump on my stomach.

i sigh, and i cover my face, and sigh.

"youre showing arent you?" i hear.

i see mami in the doorway.

i start crying, and i go to hug her.

"mami did i mess up my life?" i sob on her shoulder.

"no baby, your goig to be an amazing mother i promise." she says

"im too young mami, what if he leaves me?" i whine.

she sighs, and looks at me.

"i thought the same thing, but when it happened your dad, didnt leave, i took you two away.." she says with tears brimming her eyes.

i wipe her tears before they fall, and i give her a kiss on the forehead.

"im going to get you an appointment, so we will be certain, and so we know what to do for you." she tells me.

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