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aiden's pov

i'm walking in the hallways, and i see lani talking to one of the teammates of the football team.

i walk back up her, and i wrap my arms around her, and strat leaving light kisses on her neck.

i look at him, and he walks away.

she immediately pulls my arms off of her and tries to walk away from me.

i grab the back of her neck, and i bring her to face me.
a as
she looks up at me.

"stop being so difficult, and talk to me." i say in her face.

"i don't want to talk to you." she snaps back.

"i don't give a fuck" i tell her back.

i see her lift her hand to slap me, but i pin her against the lockers with her hands above her head.

"lemme go, i don't want to talk right now." she says trying to escape.

"no let's go, we skipping today.." i tell her pulling her to the school exit.

"no, i don't want to go witchu" she whines.

i pick her up, and i walk out to her car.

i take her keys, and i unlock her doors, putting her inside the backseats, and me getting in the driver's.

"why can't i sit in the front?" she asks looking at me.

"because i put you in the back, now just sit and relax." i tell her.

"oh, and pass me yo phone." i tell her.

"fuck no." she says.

i reach back into the seat taking it and putting it inside my boxers.

"now if you want it, come grab it." i say driving to chick-fa-la and ordering her a meal.

i get back to my house, to see it's empty.


i give her back her phone, so she'll have something to do.

we walk up to my room, and we sit on my bed.

i turn on my game, and she sits on my bed.

"so you took me here for you to play to the game?" she says with an attitude.

i spin the chair around, and look at her.

"you always got something to say. shut the fuck up." i tell her.

"nigga who the fuck-" i cut her off.

"yoo, nah i skipped school to be with my girl."

"yoo talk to her for a little bit.." he smiles.

"lani, come here." i tell her.

she looks up from her phone and rolls her eyes.

i take off my headset, and get out my chair, and i go over to her.

i took her phone and put it inside my boxers again.

"i said let's go." i say sternly.

she stands up, and walks to my chair.

while she going, i slapped her ass watching it jiggle.


i'm hard.

she looks back at me with a straight face.

he sits down in my chair, and she looks at my monitor.

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