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we arrive at the hospital, and i am breaking down crying because of the pressure i'm feeling.

they bring out a wheelchair, and put me inside pushing my to the emergency room.

i was out on the table, and they were cutting my leggings that i had on.

in the room busts in aunt jess and mami.

"you okay baby?" mami asks me.

"no this shit hurts mami!" i scream.

i feel the sweat on my forehead increasing as i feel hotter, and more pressure.

next thing, dad walks inside with lani, leah, and aiden behind them.

malik, and marissa came inside panting out of breath.

uncle kobe, and uncle mattia came in too with aunt ayiana, and aryana, and mateo.

kobe came in with a towel for my face, making me thank him silently.

a doctor comes inside, and i watch as she looks down at me kissing my forehead.

"it's gonna be okay, aubree just breathe." she tells me.

"you are about 6cm dilated, in a little you start pushing." she tells me.

"um, family, wow, um.. when she is about 8-9 cm, i'm going to need everyone except the father of the child, and the mother, of course."

they all nod, waiting for me to give birth this heavy ass baby.

mami comes over, and kisses my forehead lightly, with dad right behind her.

"mami" i whimper.

"yes baby.." she whispers.

"is he really not coming?" i start crying form both the pain and sadness.

"i don't know baby, your father is calling him right now." she reassured me.

"malik, where's your father, and brother?" mami asks him sternly.

"i don't know, i wasn't with them, i was at the basketball court with marisa, and laila." he says in surrender.

"mateo? do you know where he's at?" mami says with hope.

he shakes his head. "when you called me, i was with mike, but he dipped before i could even tell him." he explains.

"those two fuckers, lemme call them." aint jess says.

"7cm dilated love." the doctor tells us.

aunt jess calls uncle mike, and he doesn't answer.

tears start rolling down my face making the pain feel deeper than what i'm feeling right now.

"can you stay in here with me mami.. since he isn't here?" i whimper asking.

"of course baby.. imma always be here." mami tells me.

next thing i see the door bust open, and uncle mike is there, and then i see mike walk inside.

he had a walmart bag in his hand, and slowly walked over to me.

everyone goes quiet watching them, come inside.

the doctor put each of my feet on the pedestal, and spread them slightly.

"okay, mrs.morris, you are 8 almost 9 cm, i'm going to ask for everyone other than the mother, and the father of the child, please wait outside the door." she asks politely.

mike takes a chair, and brings it to the side of my bed.

i look over to him, and we share eye contact.

he looks, worse.

he was skinnier, and was tired.

he had dark eye bags under his eyes, making him look half-way dead.

"are you okay?" he asks softly.

i nod, trying to focus on my about to be newborn baby.

"would you like to take the epidural, mrs. morris?" the doctor asks me.

"yes, please!" i cry out.

they sit up, and mike grabbed my hand making me look at him.

i held in together at i felt the sharp needle go into my back.

they laid me back down, and i felt something start to slip out of me.

the pain slowly starts to leave my body, but i can still feel some.

"okay, we're going to have you push for 5 seconds rest for 3, and...push.." she says.

i push as hard as i can, and i feel the baby.

"okay rest...and push" she says.

i squeeze mike's and mami's hand tight and hard.

i feel something start to slip out of me.

"rest..." she says.

"and push again.." she says.

i feel more of the baby come out, and i breathing heavily, screaming.

"we have head, shoulders, and arms out. just a few more pushes love, and your baby will be out.." she assures me.

"and push.." she says.

i push very hardly, and i feel less and less full, if that makes sense.

"torso is out, okay last push love, one, two, three..push.." she says.

i push very hardly, screaming out, and then loud cries fill the room.

mike goes over, and cuts the umbilical cord off.

he takes a towel, and pats my face dry.

they take the baby to clean it up, and and to check on them.

the nurse walks back over to me, with my baby in hand.

"here is your new baby boy.."

i was feel exhausted and tired, so mike took him out my hands and i laid to sleep.

go read our new book 'dare to love'

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