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"how did she get up here?" i ask, looking at mike not even acknowledging devyn sitting on my bed.

"she came because-"

" i didn't ask you why she came. i asked you how did she get up here.."

"i snuck her in from the back door.." he says scratching his neck.

" so you purposely snuck her inside my house, knowing she was not welcome by anyone, and you letting this bitch hold my son?" i yell at him coming towards him.

"imma meed you to get your shit and get out my house micheal. you and your friend." i tell him calmly taking my son out her hands.

"what? you can't do that." he says standing up looking at me.

"look i'm not even finna do this.." i say going to my phone dialing aunt jess' number.

"hello?" i heard from the other end.

"hey auntie can you come pick up your son and his friend." i ask.

"oh he fucked up again didn't he... i'm on my way.." she said before hanging up.

i walk downstairs, with messiah in my hands.

"can you hold him please?" i ask leah.

she nods, and goes to wash her hands before coming back and taking him.

i walk to the front door seeing aunt jess coming up the stoop.

i opened the door, and she came inside.

"hey everyone, where's he at?"

"upstairs, and look who's he's with.." i say chuckling not wanting to cry.

she sighs, and goes upstairs.

not even a minute later, i hear faint yelling and screaming coming from my bedroom making me laugh.

i went over to all of them, and sat down.

"what happened" leah asked playing with messiah.

"he brought devyn, well snuck devyn in and let her hold him." i tell them.

i see lani, immediately get up but i pull her back down.

"look it's fine, i now know who he wants and how he feels." i tell them.

i feel hot tears running down my face, but i'm not mad nor sad.

i'm disappointed.

i just went into labor for how many hours to push out our baby?

and he does this.

yeah, i don't think there is going to be an us anymore.

i see aunt jess come downstairs with micheal by his ear, and she pushes him towards us.

"lani imma let you get it from upstairs, but micheal say it."

he sighs, and he looks at me dead in my eyes.

"i'm sorry bree, i didn't mean to hurt you, she said she wanted to see the baby, and i thought nothing bad would happen.. i'm sorry."

i took a sigh, and said.

"i don't give a fuck anymore, goodbye micheal." i say waving him off.

"aubree, please. you can't just leave me forever."

"no, i'm tired of you messing up, and doing me any type of way."

i look at messiah, and i nod leah to leave along with kobe, and aiden.

"i'm not putting up with you. i wasted enough tears, and pain because of you." i tell him.

he just looks at me.

"and that exactly why me and you can't work. you're too quiet about the wrong things." i say before going upstairs to my room.

i walk inside and lani is dragging that poor girl every single which way.

i go over and break them up leaving devyn to get up and walk downstairs to everyone.

sometimes things aren't just meant to be together and you have to except that for what it is.

leah comes back with messiah and i take him, and kiss his cheeks, watching as micheal stares at me.

"you can come by next week so get him, also i suggest getting him a crib to sleep in" i tell him.

"aubree, i don't want to do that..." he says crying.

"then what do you want to do micheal?! you can't be trusted in a relationship when you brought your ex to my house!" i yell making messiah start crying.

i hold him, and pat his back watching as he starts to fall asleep.

"please just go, i don't want to be around you." i tell him.

he sighs, and rushes out the door slamming the door.

i'm confused why he mad?

i was brought out my thoughts seeing a text from someone i didn't think i would talk to again.

then my phone started ringing.

i pick it up.

"yes dejaune"

y'all hate me🤣 but i had too

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