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aiden's pov

"ight imma hop off." i tell the party.

i turn off my playstation, and i went over to my bed, and laid lani down.

she immediately wakes up, and sits up.

"i want you..come back..." she whines.

i pick her up, and i walk downstairs to the kitchen.

i reach downstairs, and the door opens.

aubree, kobe, leah, and mike walks inside.

"what y'all doing here?" aubree says putting her bag down on the table.

"and why is she in her underwear?" leah asks making kobe and mike turn their heads.

"he just gave me some good ass head.." she giggles, making me squeeze her ass.

"nasty, anyways.. i'm going to get ready.." aubree says walking up the stairs with mike trailing behind her.

"mike go back downstairs.." i hear aubree say.

"cmon i'm tryna fuck.." mike tries to whisper.

i spin around throwing lani, on the couch running up the stairs.

i reach her room, where they both are standing there.

i start getting closer, and aubree pushed her hand to push me back.

"y'all fucked before?!" i yell at them, and aubree looked scared.

she sighs, and looks up at me. "yes." she says softly.

"but i wanted him too.." she says.

"i'm sorry, aiden." she hug me, and then pushes mike inside the room.

"fuck!" i hit the wall.

lani comes up the stairs, and hugs me.

"don't cry baby..cmon let's go, get ready.." she pulls me into my room.

five minutes later...


aubree pov

me and mike are trying to pick out what to wear for tonight.

"i wanna match." he says laying on my bed.


"because your my girl." he says scrolling through his phone.

"no, i'm not.". i say finally looking at him.

he stands up, and comes over to me.

"then can i make you my girl again?" he says hugging me.

"hmm..idk." i say picking out a dress for tonight.

"why not, i miss you." mike says holding my hand.

"if you missed me then we would've never broke up." i say sternly.

"you're acting like this whole situation is my fault!" he raises his voice.

"i mever said that, but you're sitting here acting like i didn't try to make an effort to fix us!" i yell at him.

"i'm not going to argue with you.." he says calmly.

"then leave me the fuck alone." i say walking away from him.

"so you're just gonna give up?!" he asks.

"no! i don't want to be next to you right now!" i yell at him shutting my bathroom door in his face.

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