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we all sat down at the table, and we started passing out the food.

mike kept staring at me, giving me gestures that he was tryna make me horny.

"stop.." i mouth to him while everyone is talking.

{he's sitting in front of her}

he tugs at my dress making me, look at him.

the food gets passed to us first and i just really want some ice cream.

i got me a scoop, and i started eating.

mike kept staring at me, and once i saw him i started laughing.

"what's funny?" aiden asks.

"nothing.." i tell him.

mike started rubbing my thighs, stop to grip them at times.

i stared at him, trying to tell him to stop, but he just took it as a sign to keep going.

"that's all your gonna eat bree?" mami asks.

"yeah, i'm not really hungry.." i say eating the rest of my ice cream.

we were just having a nice dinner, talking as family, and some laughs here and there.

we all took turns washing the dishes, and then we went to the living room to dance.

they turned on the big speakers, and began to play music.

"c'mon, let's dance.." uncle mattia shouts.

we all got in pairs and we started dancing.

except me, i was on my phone taking videos of me, and having fun, but my phone was taken out my hand.

i look up and mike is looking down at me.

he reaches out his hand.

i roll my eyes and take it, then we stand up and go to the living room where everyone is dancing.

the slow music started playing, and everyone got with their partners and started dancing.

he put his hands on my waist, and i put mine-well tried to put mine around his neck.

"you're too tall.." i whine.

" no you're just tiny.." he laughs at me.

i suck my teeth, and i i new dancing with him.

"why you so far away, come closer.." he says dropping lower so he can whisper in my ear.

he pulls me closer by my waist then moves his hands to my ass.

"mike.." i sigh.

"hmm?" he hums

"i'm sorry about how i was talking to you earlier, i was just mad for no reason.." i tell him.

"i forgive you, and i'm sorry too about what i did, i was just mad in the moment, will you be my girlfriend again?" he asks.

i nod my head, and i lean in to kiss him.

"i love you baby.." he kisses my neck.

"i love you too.." i kiss him. ,

the music starts to pick up, and and we are in a corner making out.

"i wanna fuck.." i whisper in his ear giggling.

"we can't, we're not aloud upstairs.." he says.

"there's at bathroom down here.." i say pointing to it.

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