Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

Last night was one of the best times I have had in awhile since all of my friends back at home just want to get wasted and go to parties to hookup with random guys. I actually enjoyed staying sober and having some harmless fun with Camila and Jess. Especially Camila. Everything about her is like...I don't even know. It's like God tried his best to make a perfect girl and it was Camila. Did she fall from heaven or something? The way she giggled at her own joke and her beautiful brown eyes. She was so awkward and goofy, but in an amazing and cute kind of way. 

We woke up to an air horn and loud music that was being blasted by the counselors as they laughed and filmed us pratically jumping off each our bunks in fear. They were playing Party in the USA by Miley throwbackDid they honestly have to be so obnoxious? Camila started screaming and shaking until I climbed down the ladder and calmed her down.

"Its ok, Camila. It's just our annoying counselors!" I screamed, looking towards them as they left laughing. I rubbed her arm and made sure that she was ok before doing anything else.

"Thanks, Lauren. I-I just wasn't expecting it," Camila mumbled embarassed.

"Its ok! Let's get up and get ready. They left our schedule right here. From 7-8 is breakfast....8-10 is recreational activities..hmmm let's see. We have swimming from 10-12 and then lunch until 1. We have crafts from then to 3 and then down time until dinner and the weekly bonfire. Ahhh busy day," I explained, making sure to speak about each and every hour.

"Screw that. I'm skipping crafts. I'll probably meet up with Jake and see what he wants to do," Jess winked, then made a weird perverted face.

"Jake?! That seventeen year old surfer dude that doesn't know the difference between summer and winter?! Ugh..." I replied a little shocked that she would stoop that low. Sure he was hot....but he was so dumb and he probably wouldn't be able to remember her name!

"Whatever. I'll meet you guys down at breakfast. Try not to be late....and Brittney you have to come so take a damn break from Lamp Level and get some food!' Jess laughed, but Brittney was not all.

"Shut the hell up Jess and get your ass out of here," Brittney responded annoyed.

Jess rolled her eyes before slamming the door and heading down to breakfast. This was going to be some summer.

---(Time passing)

After a long day, dinner finally came and I was so excited to spend more time with Camila. We got to know each other a lot more and she told me things that I would have never guessed. She has a little sister named Sofia and she is obsessed with One Direction and Demi Lovato. When she's home she loves to wear bows, but would never wear them at school because the kids are too cruel. She also loves to ride her bike and watch Netflix just like me. 

I love when she gets so compassionate about something and she uses hand gestures and facial expressions when she talks about it. Her passion for music is so sweet and I can tell that it has really helped her through the bullying. Why did they even bully her? I feel like I have known her forever although it's only been a few days and I have this weird connection with her that I'm not sure that she feels. It's different..

As we walked to dinner, I started to playfully shove Camila and I guess you could say "flirt".

"Damn Jauregui....who knew you were so strong!" she laughed, attempting to shove me back.


"Ugh! Move! If I actually have to go to this least let me get it over with before something or someone kills me!" Brittney yelled, shoving past us and speeding up her pace.

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