Chapter 6

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One week later

Lauren's POV

Everyday at camp I learned something new about Camila and by the end of camp, I would know everything about her. She may have had a hint that I liked her, but she could never have been too sure, right? I was a flirt, I admit it. But so was she..and that's what made it work.

"Camz...they should be here any minute," I whispered, gently rubbing her back, and using her almost new nickname that I came up with a few days beforehand.

"Aw...I just want to sleep," she groaned, rubbing her eyes and focusing them on me. As soon as she could see me clearly, she licked her lips and bit down on her lip. There it was again.

"Come on, Camz. I don't want the air horn to scare you.." I warned, trying to convince her to get up. Mostly because of the air horn, but also because I just wanted to talk to her and be with her.

"You're so cute in the morning," she responded, messing with her loose fishtail braid and sitting up in her bunk.

I gave a sarcastic type look and started to laugh.

"In the morning? Wow're going to pay for this Cabello!!" I joked, hopping into her bunk and tickling her nonstop with no plan to stop.

"Please!!! Stop!!" she squealed, giggling and playfully trying to move my hands away without any luck.

This went on for a few minutes until Brittney heard us screaming before her alarm went off and instantly became furious. No surprise there.

"Can you two honestly shut up for one minute? All I want to do is sleep...and you people never seem to take a damn break from being so obnoxious! could anyone deal with you? I swear the only person that doesn't bother me in this fricken bunk is Patricia.." she yelled, while gripping the side of her bunk in anger.

"Just calm down...we had to get up anyway," Jess responded, attempting to calm Brit down.

"No...aren't you tired from whoring around all night? Doesn't it bother you that they are so loud?!" Brittney replied while jerking her head to the side with sass.

"Oh no! That's it!" Jess screamed before she jumped off of her top bunk with her fists in the air and was about to take a swing at Brittney when the counselors arrived just in time. Everyone immediately pretended that nothing happened to avoid getting in trouble, which gave us all a chance to cool down.

Patricia sat on the corner of her bunk shaking at the thought of a fight occuring. Emily started break dancing, if that's what you want to call it, as soon as the counselors left and then everyone began to get ready.

Camila's POV

After that little fiasco, I decided to take a break from the drama and get changed. I wore a pair of jean shorts with a tight tank top and flip flops. I had to look for Lauren. I could tell that there was something going on, but I was never completely sure that she liked me at that point.

I walked out of the bathroom the same time as Lauren did and my breathe was taken away. Just like it was everyday.

"W-wow.." I stuttered, not sure that I even had said anything.

"What? You like my outfit?" Lauren blushed.

I just nodded. Her high waisted black shorts fit her perfectly and the Rolling Stones muscle tee added the badass look I loved so much, especially on Lauren. She never wore sunglasses, which I adored because I got to see her beautiful eyes even more. Her hair was a bit messy, but I also loved that. What didn't I love? Everything she wore she rocked, no doubt.


This boy was looking at me really strangely while we played air hockey in the lounge and it was beginning to creep me out. Lauren continued to let me win, even though she wouldn't admit it..but it was so adorable. Emily went around trying to find her favorite rocks for who knows what reason and Patricia hid out in the bathroom as Brittney tried creeping on some of the teen boy bands practicing in the music room. 

"Come on Lauren...let's play for real!" I whined.

"Whatcha talking about Camzi? We are playing..." she winked, pretending that she had no idea what I was talking about.

"Come on let's walk around..I'm getting bored," I suggested, needing a change of scenery.

She nodded before she asked me something.

" to go to this place I found last night? You'll love it and we have an hour and a half until curfew.." Lauren smiled.


We walked for a little while until reaching the path to the beach, where we weren't allowed to go to at this hour.

"The beach? That's sweet, but we've been here before and plus we're not allowed to go there right now.." I reminded her, sad that it was against the rules.

"That's the fun in it's not just the plain old beach. It's something else."

"But....what if we get in trouble?" I replied, scared out of my mind.

"Don't worry...we won't. Follow me..." she grabbed my hand gently and guided me to a high point, about ten feet off the ground that faced the beach.

From this spot, you could see a lot of the beach perfectly. It was secluded and really private. It was almost silent except the palm trees rustling and waves crashing. Beautiful.

"Lauren....this is amazing."

"I know and I wanted to watch the sunset with you from here...but maybe another day when we can have someone cover for us since it would be after curfew," she explained, holding my hand now.

The sunset? That's so romantic....and now she's holding my hand in this setting. Damn she really is sending me the weirdest signals.

"Camz...I didn't take you here for nothing," she whispered, pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear and looking into my eyes.


"Shhh," she cut me off and placed her finger on my lips. What was going on? 

I swear my heart was beating a million times each second and I could hardly breathe. 

Her lips formed a small smile before placing her hands softly on my cheeks, cupping my face, and then leaning in. I could feel her warm breathe against my own as her lips met mine. Her hands played with my hair calmly as she deepened the kiss and I allowed her to be dominant. Our lips moved together for awhile and I completely lost track of time while I was still making out with Lauren, but this time laying on top of her. I finally pulled back lightly and smiled.

"Wow," I whispered.

"That was amazing, Camz. Damn," Lauren replied before giving me a quick peck on the lips and standing up.

"You are amazing," I replied shyly.

"N-no. And I'm sorry if that was awkward or weird..." 

"Not at all. I loved it and you're the amazing one.'re so cute when you're flustered and all romantic," I responded, knowing she was unsure about how I felt.

"That was perfect. But did she even care about what had just happened, or was it just a kiss to her? Damn....I really like her,"  I thought to myself.

"We should probably get back to the cabin..I think we're late. But don't worry...we can talk all about this tomorrow're the cute one by the way," she winked and held my hand as we headed back.

We made sure that no one saw us on our way to the cabin and as soon as we got inside, we slammed the door shut as fast as possible and took a deep breathe.

"Where the hell were you two?! We had to cover for you idiots!!" Brittney screamed, annoyed as usual.

 (Author's Note) Ahhh Camren first kiss!! Keep reading for more :)

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