Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

The whole date Lauren had planned was perfect, and that made me feel even more guilty. I still hadn't planned anything and there was only three weeks left until camp was going to end. Lauren hated it when I told her how many weeks we had left because she didn't want to face the fact that we lived in different places. However, although I knew the truth, I did as she wished and also tried to pretend that camp wouldn't end.

I wanted to plan something special, but not just any ordinary date. I really needed her to feel positive and confident that I loved her as much as I said, because it was the truth. Knowing that I completely sucked at coming up with ideas and was cheesy on top of that, I decided to ask around for some more ideas. I told Lauren I was going to talk to the camp "helper", which was sort of like a guidance counselor in school, but on a smaller scale for the camp. She asked if it was because I felt homesick and I weakly nodded. I knew that it was wrong to lie, but of course Lauren would definitely understand that I didn't want to ruin the surprise. I hesitantly knocked on the door of the small office and waited to be greeted.

After a few moments, the door creaked open and a woman stepped onto the porch where I was standing.

"Welcome! I don't think we have met yet...please take a seat," the woman, slightly older than me, smiled. She was a lot shorter than me, but was also very mature. Her brown hair was straight with some waves and the bright colors she always wore were almost destined to spread positivity. She was always smiling and happy to help everyone whether it was with advice or if they just needed someone to talk to.

I took a seat as she settled behind her desk, fixing some picture frames that displayed her with her family on various vacations. I was admittedly jealous of her naturally tan skin, but in an admiring type of way.

She folded her hands in her lap and began to introduce herself.

"I'm Allyson Hernandez. You can call me Miss. Ally or Miss. H. I know it's sort of silly since I'm probably only a couple years older than you...but it's camp policy unfortunately. What's your name?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Camila....Camila Cabello. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too Camila Camila Cabello," Ally giggled, mimicking what I had said and attempting to break the ice.

"I'm sorry that was a bad what brings you here? I want to help in anyway possible," she asked, genuinely curious as to why I needed advice. 

I played with my thumbs nervously in my lap and crossed my legs. I knew that I was going to have to talk at some point, but was trying to put it off as much as possible.

"Um...well I'm dating this girl Lauren, another camper here. She always plans perfect dates and does special things for me, but I haven't really done anything for her yet and I feel horrible. I just want her to know that I think about her know?" I asked, avoiding her gaze by keeping mine focused on the floor. I put one of my hands up to my forehead and took a deep breathe.

"Aw that's so sweet. Please don't feel the need to be nervous or embarassed about this sort of stuff. I always need help when it comes to advice about my relationship with my boyfriend so I totally understand. I think it's lovely that you want to show Lauren how much you love her, but truthfully, it doesn't matter who plans the dates as long as you both spend time together. I'm sure Lauren enjoys your company more than anything else you could give her, and that she hasn't even thought twice about you not planning one of the dates. Maybe write her a letter or plan a small date where you can really tell her how much you love her....does that sound good?" she asked softly, trying to make eye contact with me. I could tell that she truly cared about her job and the well being of anyone who asked her for advice and that made me feel a lot more comfortable around her.

A few ideas instantly came to mind, causing me to feel a sense of relief. I was so happy that I had decided to get another opinion on what to do.

"Yes. Thank you so much! That's actually an amazing idea!" I beamed, definitely excited to plan what I was going to do and thankful for her ideas and thoughts.

" problem! I'm glad that I could help. Please come by again to tell me how it goes or stop by at anytime. I hope that we can become friends because you seem very nice. Oh! I have a movie night every Saturday for everyone that usually comes by and wants something to do. If you can come and bring Lauren as well. It would be nice to have more people join us," she added, explaining the time and other details of the movie night.

"Ok...that sounds great! I'm going to stop by again really soon. Thank you so much for everything Miss. Ally. It was so nice to meet you," I grinned, opening the door and waving goodbye.

"Likewise!" she responded as the door slowly shut.


The sun blinded me as I walked, but I could still see a familiar person in the distance. I could see Austin on my way back to the cabin and decided to ask him if he had any ideas. He was kicking around a soccer ball in one of the open fields by himself when I approached him.

"Hey Camila!" he waved. He was wearing his usual outfit that consisted of basketball shorts and a tight t-shirt. Austin was kind of sweaty, but he was almost always playing sports so this was how he usually looked.

"Hi. I have a question for you," I replied, placing my hair off my neck after realizing how hot it actually was. I thanked myself mentally for not wearing makeup because it would have definitely been running down my face at that point. My black tank top was not helping me out either, and neither were my dark jean shorts.

"Sure. What's up?" he asked, still focused on playing with the soccer ball. He was definitely the kind of guy I would have usually thought was cute, but normally would never have had the guts to say anything to. 

"I need an idea for a date..."

He instantly looked up at me with a big smile, and looked excited for some weird reason.

"Is Camila Cabello asking me out on a date?" he asked seriously, sort of blushing. I was beyond confused because he knew I was dating Lauren.

"N-no...I'm dating Lauren...remember?" I reminded him, not knowing what he was thinking or how to respond to his question without being rude.

"Oh yeah..I forgot! how about like a dinner or something?" he suggested with a slight change in his mood as soon as I had brought up Lauren. 

What was up with him?

"Yeah that's an idea..." I thought out loud, still trying to figure out others. 

"Well good luck....I'm going to go back to my cabin," he said without any emotion before waving goodbye and running toward some of this friends.

That was weird.

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