Chapter 10

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Camila's POV

Lauren woke me up to save me from all of the loud commotion, but I was still upset to wake up without being in her arms. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to keep this secret from the cabin because I honestly could care less what they thought about me at this point. The only people that would actually have a problem with us dating are Brittney and Jess.

"Camila?" Lauren asked with her raspy morning voice. Sexy.

"Yes," I replied, trying so utterly hard not to add a babe or baby afterwards. 

"I think I lost my snapback outside yesterday. Can you help me find it before breakfast?"

I nodded and followed her outside as she opened the door for me sweetly like usual. She wasn't wearing a snapback last night.

"I just have to show you this secret place I saw on our way back yesterday and checked out before we went to bed," she whispered, holding my hand as she intertwined our fingers.

We arrived at a very small abandoned cabin that was filled with all sorts of plants, almost like a greenhouse but without anything fancy to keep the plants healthy. It was beautiful and seemed like something you would under the hipster tag on tumblr. 

"Lauren...this is so pretty. You always have the best spots...I'm so boring when it comes to all of this romantic stuff," I said almost embarrassed that I hadn't taken her anywhere special or found a spot for us to hangout. 

"No..don't say that babe. I just happened to find this. You don't have to do anything as long as I can have you," Lauren smiled knowing exactly what she was doing. Her emerald green eyes stared into mine as she slowly approached me, backing me up into one of the walls.

"W-what if someone sees?" I asked just in time before Lauren shook her head and cupped my face with her hands gently.

Our lips moved so perfectly together as Lauren brushed my hair behind my ear and started to make her way with kisses down my jawline. She wrapped her hands around my torso and lifted me up from the ground smoothly without any problems. We stumbled backwards from not paying attention while kissing and eventually hit a wall that broke our fall, causing us both to giggle. I moved my hands up and down Lauren's arms as she never let go of her tight grasp on my body. She slowly and carefully dropped us to the ground, making sure that I was ok before continuing. I straddled her as she pulled me closer to her body and we kissed for awhile. A few moments that felt like seconds passed before she pulled away with the most adorable smile on her face.

"You're so cute. Stop smiling like that you perfect human being!" I joked while licking my lips just at the sight of Lauren being so vulnerable.

"You stop. By the way...I want to spend the full night with you tonight and get up just before the counselors come in," Lauren responded.

"But you know how early Brittney gets up...she'll see us," I added sadly, knowing how crazy Brittney was.

"Exactly. That's why we're going to tell them and then go to bed," she replied with a smile before she pecked me on the lips and slowly got up.


"If you're ready, I am too Camz," she pulled me in for a hug as I instantly felt a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. She loved me enough to not care what other people thought. She wanted everyone to know that I was hers. 


Lauren's POV

Tonight was the night. 

We had spent the day playing sports, watching movies, swimming and eating. Everything felt boring when I was seperated from Camila during any of the games or activities we were forced to do. I just wished that we could skip all of that and spend the day alone. We couldn't even talk like we would if no one was next to us, especially with Emily obviously eavesdropping 24/7. She kept picking her nose and asking us if it resembled a cow. I think I told her at least 500 times that the answer was and would forever be no. 

It was thirty minutes until lights out when I had given Camila the signal and she nodded in agreement. She wore short blue shorts and a crop top to bed and I think she knew exactly what she was doing to me by wearing that. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wasn't wearing makeup, but looked even more beautiful. 

Everyone was cozy in their bunks either reading or listening to music, except for Jess. She was rummaging through her bag looking for who knows what. She hadn't talked to me since the fight and I honestly didn't give a crap.

"Hey guys!" I screamed, making sure everyone was able to hear me no matter what they were doing. Especially, Brittney.

Everyone instantly looked up, giving me a "what" type of look before Brittney opened her mouth.

"Yes! What is it?!" she asked. Her blonde hair was full of knots and the sunburn on her face was really bringing out her freckles in the worst way possible. She didn't mind what she looked like, unless of course Lamp Level showed up or the random guy from twitter.

"Camila and I have an announcement," I said as Jess popped her head up and was so suddenly interested in listening.

"Lauren and I are dating. We have been for the past week...just thought we would put it out there. Don't complain or bother doing or saying anything because we don't care. We're happy together and hopefully you can deal with it...and if not, oh well. Get over it," Camila said so confidently which made me feel even more complete.

I just smiled at her and loved every second of her not giving a shit of what they would think and being so upfront about something so important to the both of us. It was so adorable, but so attractive at the same time.

Brittney just shrugged her shoulders and went back to listening to her music which was shocking. Patricia nervously nodded and hid under her sheets in fear of what was going to happen next.  I could tell that Emily was about to open her mouth and I cringed at the thought of what she was going to say.

"Does this mean we get to have slumber parties and stuff?? I just want to sing karoake in my underwear!" she screamed with excitement, obviously not having a clue what this meant.

"No this doesn't mean you can act  even more like a weirdo! Just pretend we didn't say anything concerning  you!" I responded, shaking my head at the thought of her in anything less than what she normally wore.

"I knew it!!!" Jess yelled.

"Shut up!" Camila and I said in unison.

"Whatever..." Jess shook her head and continued going through her bag.

It was just about time for the counselors to come in, which meant it was getting closer to me actually being able to spend the whole night with Camila. We smiled at each other and started to get ready to go to "sleep".

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